[Buying]  Buying Plastics and HMS

Looking for:
Burning Kerberous
Draciel V2
Dragoon V2
Dranzer V2
Driger V2
Dranzer G
Draciel G
Voltaic Ape
Gaia Dragoon V
Dragoon MS
Wolborg MS
Dranzer GT
Dranzer MS
Driger S
Dranzer S
Draciel S
Kid/Master Dragoon

PM me offers.
Must be in good condition.
The user Ultrablader is selling a dragoon ms in his thread.
I have a Dranzer V2
Sent PM yesterday,reply me Wink
um he doesn't have paypal so how is he gonna buy from anyone abroad like you Galaxy?
Does he have paypal?
(Aug. 21, 2011  12:23 PM)Ultrablader Wrote: Does he have paypal?
Yeah he does
I've got burning kerberous, Draciel G and Zeus(Hasbro) but they're not mint. In good condition though.
pm me an offer.
ive got a dragoon ms ill trade or sell
Updating this, looking for Dranzer S, Driger S and Draciel S.