wolborg ms
Dragoon MS/MSUV/f/v2
Driger V/V2
samurai changer ms
Dranzer s/f/g/v/v2/GT
draciel v/v2/G
TT attack stadium
tt zeus
pm me the price your willing to sell it for also be willing to set auction up on ebay
all preferably NIB or if not please attach photo to offer
( complete blades only thanks)
wolborg ms
Dragoon MS/MSUV/f/v2
Driger V/V2
samurai changer ms
Dranzer s/f/g/v/v2/GT
draciel v/v2/G
TT attack stadium
tt zeus
pm me the price your willing to sell it for also be willing to set auction up on ebay
all preferably NIB or if not please attach photo to offer
( complete blades only thanks)