"Whats up Bladers!"

Looking to start an HMS collection soon.

I'll buy/trade for parts or whole beys.

Grip Flat CoreEee
Upper Slash
Circle Wide
Upper Dragon
Spiral Upper
Wolf Crusher

Pm me any offers

Any condition except broken please.
Nobody has any spares or duplicates?
How about a Draciel MS.
You can only "bump" a topic once every 48 hours... That means your double post above is against the rules. No big deal this time, but please be aware.
You can find many of the more common NIB HMS Beys on eBay like Driger MS, Draciel MS, Dranzer MS and Gaia Dragoon MS.
NIB Dragoon MS and Wolborg MS can be bought from OkinawamTS, you can also buy the Dranzer MS Bey lot that he has which includes USED Driger MS, Dranzer MS, Draciel MS and Gaia Dragoon MS
Hope this helps.
Thank you Esperr. Would the seller just happen to have multiples or is it just one uber expensive Wolborg MS seeing as its rare and all.
I have Draciel MS or you can look at my selling thread for other plastics I sell. Thanks!