Build me a combo

The parts i have are

Lightning L-Drago 100HF
Dark Gasher CH120FS
Killer Gemios DF145FS (missing clear wheel)
Galaxy Pegasis W105R²F
Counter Leone D125B (DS game ver.)
Ray Unicorno D125CS
Dark Bull H145SD
Storm Aquario 100HF/S
Flame Libra T125ES
Storm Pegasis 105RF
Rock Leone 145WB
Dark Wolf DF145FS
Earth Aquila 145WD
Extra Parts:Wolf clear wheel, Aries clear wheel, D125, 145, ED145, S, Faces: Aquila, Wolf, Aries, Cyber Pegasis
use the existing build me a combo thread.. Smile
Post this in Build Me a combo, the stickied topic.
This dosn't need it's own topic.