blah do you mind doing this one for me?
i got earth eagle ( i couldnt find aquilla so i got eagle)
dark libra, dark bull, flame sagittario and strom aquario
so could you make a attack defense and stamina blah?
and tell me if you can make any top tier bey's
energy wheel: libra, wolf, l-drago, fireblaze, bull, eagle, sagittario, aquario, aquario, capricorn, pegasus, leone
fusion wheel: dark, dark, dark, lightning, burn, earth, flame,storm, rock,storm, storm, rock
spin tracks: ed145, df145, 100, 135, h145,145,c145,100,125,m145,105,145
performance tips: sd,fs,hf,ms,sd,wd,s,hf/s,sf,q,rf,wb
thank you
P;s i would only like blah to do this one