"Build me a combo!"

(Dec. 29, 2009  9:12 PM)HEARTof4Lion Wrote: ....hows that a combo you didnt do anything to it lol

It's the currently combination of parts he's using that's how. In the future try and post something useful or don't bother to reply.

(Dec. 29, 2009  8:39 PM)YellowJedi Wrote: Storm Pegasis 105RF
Dark Wolf DF145FS

Current combo- Storm Pegasis 105RF

There isn't much you can do with those parts unfortunately. Dark is rather sub-par. Your current combo is your best combo at the moment. Consider grabbing a 100 track, the difference is quite noticeable.
What about a 90 track? I was thinking about one of those.
(Dec. 30, 2009  8:18 PM)YellowJedi Wrote: What about a 90 track? I was thinking about one of those.

The 100 track tends to better for Storm Pegasis RF.

But if you can get Quetzalcoatl 90WF, then go for it. Quetz 90RF is a great attack combo.
I need parts to make dragoon storm and bit to replace my old one.http://worldbeyblade.o[/font]rg/images/boardsmilies/unhappy.png
(Jan. 01, 2010  6:39 PM)TRACK Wrote: I need parts to make dragoon storm and bit to replace my old one.http://worldbeyblade.o[/font]rg/images/boardsmilies/unhappy.png

so.... what exactly do you want us to tell you? o-0 its not like you can make them out of nothing lol. buy another dragoon storm somewhere
uh a couple have arrived already but heres the ones i got/coming:

L Drago 105F
Storm Pegasis 105RF
Pegasis 105F
Lightning L Drago 100HF
Libra 145S
Virgo DF145BS
Leone D125B
Rock Leone 145WB
Dark Cancer CH120SF
Flame Sagittario C145S

(Might be getting Earth Aquilla soon)
You can make a lot of the current competitive customisations:


I would say Earth Aquila would be a good purchase also.
I forgot about that topic...
But I never knew that Lightning L Drago had a use apart from it's 100 track.

Now i'm really tempted to get Dark Bull, although I don't really want to spend all of my money on beys lol.
I would like to ask for a combination using the parts from these Beyblades

Lightning Ldrago 100HF
Storm Aquario M145Q
Earth Aquila145WD
Earth Aquila 145WD
Storm Aquario 100HF

They would probably be your best options.
(Jan. 03, 2010  9:36 PM)Zeox Wrote: I would like to ask for a combination using the parts from these Beyblades

Lightning Ldrago 100HF
Storm Aquario M145Q
Earth Aquila145WD

hmm.... Storm Aquario 100HF?
(Jan. 03, 2010  9:36 PM)Zeox Wrote: I would like to ask for a combination using the parts from these Beyblades

Lightning Ldrago 100HF
Storm Aquario M145Q
Earth Aquila145WD

Look on the competitive combos thread or make your own be creative.
Would leone and gb145 go well in compact custom? It says on wiki it has untapped compact capabilities.
(Jan. 04, 2010  3:12 PM)megablader2 Wrote: Would leone and gb145 go well in compact custom? It says on wiki it has untapped compact capabilities.

most likey,i wouldnt be suprised if even wolf would become usefull as a compact once parts become more avalible
War Lion sub-attack ring
3x ten balance
1x eight heavy
1x six heavy
1x eight wide
1x six wide
2x ten wide
Appolon base
Voltex Ape base
Driger V base
Dragoon V AR
Driger F AR
Appolon G AR
Driger V AR
Draciel V AR
Wolborg 1 AR
a balnce between defece-stamia
defesiv track
earth aqula wheel & hybird wheel
pegese wheel
plastic flat botom
and a atack track
(i have 1 earth aqula metl fight beyblade)
(and 1 pegese metal fight beyblade)
or and i need 1 quick because i am in the be blaze whats on the 9th
could some one help me
i have a rock leon
also a earth aqula
and a pegases (not hybird wheel just a normal one)
could someone help if they can thank you
It would be better if you listed out your parts (Pegasis 105F etc.)
However I think your best choices would be:

Earth Aquila 145WD (stamina)
Pegasis 145WD (stamina)
oso sorry every one i am kinda new to the hole thing sosorry i dont know much to the hole thing but if some one is telling me somthing ld like it to say put the rock leon bottom on the earth aqula track not trying tobe rude or anythin like its just easyer for me
Which one is better for a defensive blade?
-MF Leone WD145WB or
-MF Rock Leone WD145WB
(Jan. 07, 2010  1:02 PM)Benkei Wrote: MF Rock Leone WD145WB

Thanks Smile
But don't you think Leone wheel is slightly heavier than the Rock wheel?
(Jan. 07, 2010  6:45 AM)19980420 Wrote: BUILD ME A COMBO! Grin
War Lion sub-attack ring
3x ten balance
1x eight heavy
1x six heavy
1x eight wide
1x six wide
2x ten wide
Appolon base
Voltex Ape base
Driger V base
Dragoon V AR
Driger F AR
Appolon G AR
Driger V AR
Draciel V AR
Wolborg 1 AR

Concept - Smash Attack
AR: Eight Attacker (Dragoon V)
WD: 10 Wide
SG: Neo Left SG
BB: SG Metal Flat Base (Driger V)
(Jan. 07, 2010  1:11 PM)victorti83plus Wrote: Thanks Smile
But don't you think Leone wheel is slightly heavier than the Rock wheel?

My Rock Leone weighs 35g compared to Leone being 37g. While Rock Leone may me slightly lighter, original Leone's wheel has far too much recoil to be a successful defense wheel. I find that Leone's wheel works much better as an attack type than defense.
(Jan. 07, 2010  2:56 PM)Benkei Wrote: My Rock Leone weighs 35g compared to Leone being 37g. While Rock Leone may me slightly lighter, original Leone's wheel has far too much recoil to be a successful defense wheel. I find that Leone's wheel works much better as an attack type than defense.

Yeah ur right.

Btw, there is one thing that I really don't understand. I have two WD tracks. One is from Escolpio(brown), the other is from a random booster vol. 3(white transparent). I tried it multiple times and it seems the brown one on my Rock leone(WD145WB) is performing better in terms of stamina then the white transparent one. I know it sounds pretty unreasonable but yeah this is what happened to me :p (Could it be due to different plastic material?)