"Build me a combo!"

What exactly is a cookie cutter? I can't imagine what it's supposed to be.
(Aug. 22, 2008  6:51 PM)Sasch Wrote: What exactly is a cookie cutter? I can't imagine what it's supposed to be.

A cookie cutter is a special tool used to shape cookies. Joyful_3

In Beyblades, though, a cookie cutter combo is a combination of parts that are known to be incredibly good. The combo Bluezee posted is a well-known cookie-cutter combo because of the top-notch parts that are used in it.

Cookie-cutter combos are also usually Over-used, which is why I try to stay away from them.

(Aug. 22, 2008  5:36 PM)ChozenBlader Wrote: Isn't Circle Upper one of them?

If the restricted format is finalized, yes, it will be. So will the Grip Flat Core as well, if I'm not mistaken (...it may be the Grip Flat Core 2, but whatever).

However, since the restricted format isn't a 100% sure thing, we really don't need to be making combos based on it.
I think Cookie cutters are game-breaking parts or combos. Commonly used because they're very powerful.
Guys, Restricted is just an alternative to make the game a bit more interesting. I'm not trying to usurp Standard!
I think restricting parts will be good for bladers, simply because we'll have to think about the parts we use, and come up with new combos
Wait i forgot some and thx for helping guys

Wolborg MS (i broke bottem)
Wyvern DJ
Hopper Attack
Dark Effigy
Advance Guardian
Thunder Serpent
Advance Averager
Draciel MS
Strata Dragoon
Dragon ms
Dranser ms

sea dragon
can any one find a use for any of the v2s ar,s cause i cant find a good use for any.
Should've looked on beywiki. I found this:

AR: Upper Claw (Driger V2)
WD: Ten Heavy
SG: SG Bearing Wolborg
SG Shaft: Full Auto Clutch (Driger F)
SP: Upper Attack (Driger V2)
BB: Customize Grip (Dragoon V2)
I don't beleive that Draciel V2s AR has much use at all and i don't know much about how useful Dranzer V2's AR is (if anything some slight upper attack ability, which is generally outclassed by other ARs). Though it would help if you actully read the articles on Dragoon V2 and Driger V2 on the wiki.

Here are links for each article:

Driger V2: http://www.beywiki.com/index.php/Driger_V2
Dragoon V2: http://www.beywiki.com/index.php/Dragoon_V2
I have:

Metal Dranzer
Dranzer v2
Dranzer Gigs Turbo(the base is ruined)
Auto Change Balancer


Dark Effigy
Phantom Fox
Metal Dranzer is pretty decent uncustomized while Dranzer V2 is pretty good as well. You can also keep Dark Effigy the same since it's one of the best uncustomized HMS Beyblades.
So my need for customizing isnt that big.
Is there a really good combo that can be built using the parts of these blade???
Driger G
Dragoon S
Dragoon V
Kid Dragoon
Master Dragoon
Bump King
Dranzer S
Dranzer F
Torch Pegasus
Strata Dragoon G (AR only)

Thank you
which blade has a neo right sg?
i'm not that great at this but im pretty sure you can make a nice compact blade with galeon

AR: Galeon
WD:10 heavy
SG: mw,mg,or hmc
BB: not really sure on that (maybe dranzer s?)
(Aug. 24, 2008  9:24 PM)matt2796 Wrote: which blade has a neo right sg?

Your Dragoon V has a Metal Weight core but has left sg castings so im not sure it would work as well in a Smash combo.

Brye, its too bad he hasn't actully got a MG or HMC...
And are you refering to a left spin or right spin HMC, MG and MW core. Since he doesn't have right castings.
I also have a metal dranzer does that at all help???
(Aug. 24, 2008  8:14 PM)roggi19 Wrote: So my need for customizing isnt that big.

Naww, you're fine as you are now.

(Aug. 24, 2008  8:17 PM)matt2796 Wrote: Is there a really good combo that can be built using the parts of these blade???
Driger G
Dragoon S
Dragoon V
Kid Dragoon
Master Dragoon
Bump King
Dranzer S
Dranzer F
Torch Pegasus
Strata Dragoon G (AR only)

Thank you
Galeon uncustomized is pretty good. However, getting a Neo Right SG with a MC or MW Core could help upgrade it with a 10-Heavy. Those would be appropriate to upgrade the combos below too.

For now though:

AR: Kid/Master Dragoon or Trygle
WD: 10-Wide (Dragoon V)
SG: Right SG
BB: Dragoon S

AR: Driger G/Dranzer F
WD: 8-Heavy (Galeon)
SG: Right SG
BB: SG Flat (Master/Kid Dragoon)

Metal Drazner is a decent Beyblade uncustomized.
Yes, it helps alot! You can use its MG core to help just about any combo that people mentionGrin

Not to mention you can use its ten heavy for smash combos etc.
alright cool!!!
which metal dranzer is it? takara or hasbro
(Aug. 25, 2008  1:28 AM)Brye Wrote: which metal dranzer is it? takara or hasbro

They're the same :\
It is coming in the mail so I am sure, but ya they are the same.
i thought one of them had a hmc, what am i thinking of then? lol
(Aug. 25, 2008  1:35 AM)Brye Wrote: i thought one of them had a hmc, what am i thinking of then? lol

Metal Driger has the HMC.