Build Me A Combo! Please

Hi. I'm looking for good combo's to use in events and battle's. I don't have that much to work with but I need a bey with some good Life after Death. Thanks.

My Beyblade's:

TT Spriggan Spread Fusion
Doomscizor Oval Accel
Genesis Valtryek V3 6Force Reboot
Kinetic Satomb S3 2Glaive Loop
TT Winning Valkyrie 12 Volcanic
TT Arc Bahamut 2Bump Atomic
TT Drain Fafnir 7Star Zephyr
TT Deep Chaos 4Flow Bearing
TT Tornado Wyvron 1Meteor Spiral
Gaianon G2 Quarter Fusion
Maximum Garuda G3 8Flow Flugel

My current combo is Drain Fafnir 6Flow Bearing
Please use this thread if you want combo suggestions or advice: