(Oct. 04, 2011 8:47 PM)Deikailo Wrote: Sparta, I'm going to be very blunt, but for someone who constantly parades around the Your Creations forum as an "intelligent member", you use about as much logic in your relationships as a noob writing a Beyblade story in chatspeak. Seriously, what is wrong with you? You're what, 13? And you're exposing yourself to drama and taking it like a pansy? Relationships obviously mean nothing to you if you have such low self respect as to go through with casual dating. From an adult perspective, it's disgusting and just because I'm the only one with enough cajones to post all of this, doesn't mean I'm the only thinking it.
tl;dr version: stop making yourself look like a nitwit and stay away from girls until everyone can grow up a little.
Excuse me if this is poorly expressed, but I had to curb myself from using my normal vocabulary.
That was cold.
And I KNOW YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY RIGHT in everything you just said. But didn't we have like, 100 conversations about being nicer to people around here? Just because it's blunt doesn't mean it doesn't hurt. I know your just trying to make a point (And a very valid one), but you don't have to bitchslap me about it. For the "meaningless relationships"...for me, I try to learn as much as I can from each person and learn what works and what doesn't. What girls like and don't like. I care about the people I love and the people I trust. That's why I still have all of my friends by my side to back me up
. So I do care, but I may not always make the right decisions. Nobody's perfect, right?
But...I can see where you're coming from. And I apologize if my decision was immature. Truth is, I know the right decision and am being a little pansy. I try to avoid that teen drama carp, but I'm a very emotional and dramatic person and sometimes I get sucked into it. BUT, a part of growing up is learning from mistakes and becoming a better person. When I was born I never had to sign a contract saying I would never mess up, because people do. It's human nature, but instead of saying there's something wrong with me you guys could help me up-or at least express your opinion in a nicer way :3.
Yeah, I'm a pansy. Sorry about that. And as far as the issue goes, I have been talking to her all day and she feels bad. She felt bad about it when it first happened, and I could tell it was genuine. She truly felt bad about it, and she actually did something that made me happy: she went up to a different boy she had cheated on (Keep in mind she didn't know I was there) and apologized to him for it. He accepted it, and now they're friends :3. This happened at lunch today and it made my respect for her rise.
Still...I think I'm fed up with this stuff. People cheating and being immature-*Cough cough yourself genius cough cough*-making stupid choices and teen drama. So to avoid all of that, I really need to get away from it all. At least until maybe junior year, when people have gotten smarter. Besides, my grades have fallen this year and dating is distracting from that.
Thanks for all of the help, guys.
P.S. I'm 14, basically 15. You were close, Dei!
EDIT: Looks like I missed a ton of stuff while making my incredibly long post.
dei, I think TITAN meant it was his dog and they gave it to her. Guessing, but it seems right.
As for the part about "sympathy," here's my say: Kids are starving in africa with no food, no clean water, no electricity, disease and death. I may have to agree with Dei for that one. We ain't been through squat.
Guys, let's not fight. We're ruining the thread (Well, it was already ruined
) and taking a trip for closureville. Maybe they're right and we should get rid of this. No one directly knows each other and therefore can't get the whole story. Even if you think you know what you're talking about, perhaps we could be a bit nicer? Like, instead of "You're pathetic, stop posting" we could try "Hey I hear ya, but maybe you shouldn't worry about that so much" or whatever.
We have a "State of The WBO" thread for this stuff, so let's post there.