
I knew that, but I assume Aizen could defeat someone whose eyes are closed just by being, you know, fast...

(H)Ichigo does seem very, very strong, but, then again, every time we've seen him fight, his eyes were wide open. In fact, it seems to come with the character that he doesn't blink, so Aizen's power would affect him immediatly, rendering him usless...

No matter how you look at it, I think Tite Kubo just set the bar way too high for any of the Bleach characters to beat him, except maybe Yamamoto...maybe...(Of course, I mean beat him in a logical way and not just some random Deus Ex Machina coming out of nowhere)

EDIT: You know, to my knowledge, characters like Rukia, Orihime, Chad and Uryuu stil haven't seen Kyouka Suigetsu, either. True, they're weak as hell, but Orihime's power, if only she just had some will in her, could cut Aizen in half. Wouldn't that end the series quickly? Why give her that power if she's never going to use it?
I think you're reading into this far too deeply. Tite Kubo can easily create some half baked reason to make things fit, or add a completely new plot device etc.
IMO Orihime is useless, the only good power she has is cure but you cant really cure some one half way through battle can you? I think all of these past battles that the ichigo gang (Chado, Ishida etc) has had a battle and won on a whim.
(Dec. 19, 2009  3:11 AM)Khel Wrote: I think you're reading into this far too deeply. Tite Kubo can easily create some half baked reason to make things fit, or add a completely new plot device etc.

But that's the problem. I love Bleach, so I don't want a half-baked reason, I want an understandeable excuse.

Well, anyway, it's not like mister Kubo didn't surprise me with good plot twists in the past, so I guess he can do it again Joyful_3
Exactly my point...
something has to happen
that's what makes any show entertaining
let the master kubo do his work
lol i can't wait til ichigo finally uses that mask again. i wanna see the extent of his full power
Actually, I think it got weaker...

Think about it, he mumbled some stuff about the mask becoming heavier and him being slower. Plus, when he used a Getsuga Tensho on Yammy with his mask and without Yammy blocking it in any way, it just cut him a little. True, he was weak, at that point, but I think, if it had really gotten more powerful, he would have slashed Yammy a lot more than that.

Maybe (H)Ichigo is slowly gainning more control over it, or something...
well i think it might be because ichigo's new strength is a whole new level of power so ichigo might have to try remastering it. i think the whole heavy and slowing description he has on the mask is just because its reiastu might be so dense from the mask that ichigo's body needs some time to get used to it. him not being able to pull out the mask a 2nd time pretty much makes that clear. for the yammy situation, im just gonna go ahead and blame it on ichigo's low reiastu when he confronted yammy or maybe his mask trouble and from what i noticed, his shihakushou was slightly larger when he was with unohana.

Edit: nvm i just checked and its jsut the bandages that he had when he fought yammy and the label perspectives made it seem like it was shorter..
I say Ichigo will not kill Aizen..........yet. Aizen will probley make it to Royal Special Guard Squad first then we go to bleachs most epic fights. But before that we can see exactly what Shinji's Zanpakuto Does.
Let's not forget super hollow ichigo who made Ulquiorra look like orihime.[Image: C_C_Combo_Braker_by_Frai7ty.png]
Lets face it though Aizen is more powerful than any previous anime character I've ever heard of so there is the unluck chance that bleach becomes another Inuyasha.
Back to Chapter 186
I swear I almost didn't read it. Tousen was actually looking cool with just the vizard mask and his ressureccion ruined it. The end made me mad but made sense. No body in bleach has suffered that much head trama without being healed by Orihime.
(Dec. 20, 2009  1:38 AM)Thresher Wrote: Let's not forget super hollow ichigo who made Ulquiorra look like orihime.

LOL i love that reference xD. and id hate this series if it became like inuyasha cuz its got a totally different feel to it... i actually have no idea why i liked inuyasha anyways, its a series with episodes that are 90% fillers
I've never seen more than one or two episodes of Inuyasha, so I have no idea what you guys are talking about but, judging by your replies, I probably would hate that too.

I think we're going to get another bunch of chapters of trainning montages. Ichigo now has to master his resurrecion and probably do all the other vizards. Rukia could, I guess, master her Bankai, it would be interesting. Renji's stock there and will never get anymore powerful, but who cares about him. Chad could gain yet another hollow body part, I guess. And Orihime, of course, will just stand there saying how awesome Ichigo is.

As for Aizen, have you guys forgot about "Hell"?

Maybe he'll hide over there and make himself another army, or something. I'd really like to know what's behind those doors and what kind of creatures live in Hell...
The video of bleach, the latest one is so epic like this guy kouga kills his own zanpaktou when the zanpaktou put sereite through hell and then he awakes him and straight away he kill his zanpaktou muramasa. I was told many times, you probably should've put that in spoilers...
Yeah. Do you know what a spoiler is? It's revealing the ending to people who didn't see it yet. If you don't wanna get people to hate you like they hate me, you should put the spoilers in [spoiler] [/spoiler( ] ) Ignore the parenthesis.
i know what a spiler is i mean like i thought you was on about a spoiler thread for like all mangas.
(Dec. 20, 2009  2:23 PM)cutewolfsam Wrote: i know what a spiler is i mean like i thought you was on about a spoiler thread for like all mangas.

lool no he meant put stuff like that between those two codes so it doesnt ruin it for other people who havent watched the series.

you looked really far into this dude lol, i forgot all about "hell" although i always thought hueco mundo referred to hell....
Well, if you remember the few first episodes, there's an episode where "Weak-As-Hell Ichigo" fights a hollow who was, from his living, a serial-killer. At the end, they show that people who commited sins in their living go to Hell and there's this huge guy that takes the hollow away.

I'm actually very curious to know the extent of what they consider to be a sin. I assume it's only about killing someone, but then, what if I accidentally killed someone? I hope I'm not going to hell because I was out of luck...Well, who cares.

So we can assume there are a bunch of worlds: The World of the Living, Soul Society, Hueco Mundo and Hell, the last one being the only unexplored landmark. I assume mister Kubo's going to use the training montage formula again and the "invasion" formula of Hell, this time, again.
(Dec. 20, 2009  7:38 PM)Dude Wrote: Well, if you remember the few first episodes, there's an episode where "Weak-As-Hell Ichigo" fights a hollow who was, from his living, a serial-killer. At the end, they show that people who commited sins in their living go to Hell and there's this huge guy that takes the hollow away.

I'm actually very curious to know the extent of what they consider to be a sin. I assume it's only about killing someone, but then, what if I accidentally killed someone? I hope I'm not going to hell because I was out of luck...Well, who cares.

So we can assume there are a bunch of worlds: The World of the Living, Soul Society, Hueco Mundo and Hell, the last one being the only unexplored landmark. I assume mister Kubo's going to use the training montage formula again and the "invasion" formula of Hell, this time, again.

for some reason, if it turns out that way.. i dont think ill be looking forward to it cuz then itll be like the same thing all over. and i dont think you'll go to hell for manslaughter unless you truly have no regrets from it
So, no chapters this week. I guess mister Kubo took a break for the new year or something...

So back to guessing stuff! I think next chapter, they're going to show Shinji's power. If they don't, it'll make me real sad. I hate when they introduce plot points and only talk about them again several chapters later...
(Dec. 20, 2009  1:59 PM)Dude Wrote: As for Aizen, have you guys forgot about "Hell"?

For once, you hit something that is worth going over, yes, hell hasn't had much said or done about it so this leaves a huge question mark above people's heads. The one main question is though, will Aizen stand at the top for such a thing or will hell be impossible to over come even for him?

Frankly though, I say shut up, stop trying to guess and sit back and wait to find out what happens, if you don't like it then fine but I don't think anyone else wants to hear people go on and on about it.
(Dec. 22, 2009  7:50 PM)Zander Soulwind Wrote: For once, you hit something that is worth going over

Sweet, so the rest was just crazy talk? That's good to know XD

I'm not really complaining, you know Joyful_3 I love Bleach, I'm simply commenting on it all.
Then word of advice, don't just point out the bad things most of the time, look at what good can come out of it instead.
the latest ep is out in subs for those who dont know and also, that was pretty intense.. :o the next ep should be uber interesting