Birthday Topic

Happy Birthday Nic!
Yeah Nic happy birthday!
Composer of Requiems Wrote:
bugturtles Wrote:happy birthday nic!

Actually, I don't read this topic.

Composer of Requiems Wrote:
bugturtles Wrote:happy birthday nic!

Actually, I don't read this topic.

happy birthday you clever piece of carp
Happy B-day Nic have a good one.
Happy Birthday Nic! Have a wonderful day.
Happy birthday G, even though you're away and probably won't see this lol
Happy birthday G
Happy birthday my favourite elusive staff member, G Grin

I feel like I sold out by saying three letters Unhappy
Happy Birthday G, i sent you a PM saying so, but i dont think my PM's get through to you, but never the less, happy birthdaySmile
Happy Birthday G.
Happy Birthday G have a good one!
Happy B-day G
happy birthday pokemon master