Big Bang Destroy 125W2D (Right Spin) (Illegal)

Tip for any facebolt you use- screw it in with hands then a tiny bit with wrench, otherwise it will come out of place

Metal Frame: L-Drago Destroy
Core: Big Bang
Spin Track: 125
Performance tip: W2D

Cosmic Destructor is a Bey that has pretty low stamina but centers itself in the stadium until hit, seemingly going from Defense to Attack during battle. (Attack called Universal Destruction) It comes with two potential modes, one with the core facing out of the heads (Attack), and one that looks like the jaws of a dragon closed (Defense) 

It's a pretty good bey for attack, but terrible stamina, I also recommend changing the tip to WD also.

Also not 100% sure of it being illegal or not :P

Might come apart during battle after a few uses, make sure to tighten every 2 or so uses (4 at max)
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