Beyblades I own

Lightning L Drago
Storm Pegasus
Dark Gasher
Legend Counter Leone
Storm Pegasus(super vortex ver.)
Lightning L Drago(super vortex ver.)
Burn Fireblaze(Burning firestrike 2 pack)
Legend Cyber Pegasus
Legend Inferno Sagitario

Feel Free to leave any suggestions on any beyblades I should get, I'm planing on buying Flame, and Thunder Libra, and Hyper Aquario
This did not require a separate thread, you could have posted in the beyblade collections thread.

You need TT beys dude.
There's already a thread for this, it's "Beyblade Collection" or something like that. Also a suggestion - Thunder and Hyper both suck BAD, and Flame is outclassed now. Wait until Metal Masters and get Twisted Tempo, aka Basalt Horogium. And especially get some TT beys if you're able to.
oh sorry about that, I'm new still..
I was thinking of getting Galaxy Pegasus anything I should be aware of?
Well currently the Hasbro version does not have a bar inside of the R2F, which means it shakes a little bit, but doesn't affect the performance really. They'll most likely put a bar in sometime later this year however, seeing as it leaves several problems for the R2F. Galaxy is VERY outclassed, and it's a different mold that Takara Tomy's, so it may not be as good, as the already bad one lol. W105 is just terrible in general. Pegasus 2 (the clear wheel) isn't really useful either, as it is also outclassed a lot. Most of Galaxy Pegasus is for show honestly, but the R2F is a MUST get.
How come none of you reported this topic ?