Beybladefoever's+Silver Chronos' Sig's, Avi's, Banners, & Wallpaper [Open!]

Poll: Are they good?

Total: 100% 31 vote(s)
Hey, this needs a bump, because we're still open. Got a new example.
[Image: 8196375254_38037cc991_m.jpg]
can't get bigger, don't use flickr. Hey, that rhymes!
random splash of fractals and 2 renders
[Image: 8196505844_72f03c06ba_m.jpg]
the libra one is nice
Thanks, it took a while. You need a sig of avi or something? You post, but have no sig.
creator: silver chronos
type: signature
render: death quetzaqoatl pirates orojya poison serpent with two giant snake heads on each side like in my avatar
size: 350X150
text: TheViper,
Feel My Venom, team dragonis
background: green jungle like background
That's A LOT. I'll attempt to fit all that into one sig, but it might all be kinda small. You sure you want such a small one? Whatever. I'll do my best!
Too many renders. Try limiting it to two or three renders
pk no snake heads just the three beys
ok no snake heads just the three beys
Here it is, TheViper! Hope you like!
[Image: 8207368546_e16114efe6_m.jpg]
its AWESOME!!!!!
thanks alot
Oh, sorry. I already made it.
Edit: Really? Well, thank you. I'm glad you like it.
Anyway, new BG that I really like; I call it "clashing forces". Kinda reminds me of the Harry Potter final battle.
[Image: 8206326019_12540d4c1f_m.jpg]
Sorry for double post, but I fixed the jpg. Here's the bigger size on them all.
[Image: 8206326019_12540d4c1f.jpg]
[Image: 8195293375_06b2d7835c.jpg]
[Image: 8196505844_72f03c06ba.jpg]
[Image: 8156379662_5e7ec4c0d4.jpg]
[Image: 8206405961_24b874c6b0.jpg]
hey dude this is getting annoying I mean u made so many other sigs and what about mine ? Angry its ok of u forgot but pls make mine now cause I really want it
(Nov. 22, 2012  10:42 AM)raystriker9 Wrote: hey dude this is getting annoying I mean u made so many other sigs and what about mine ? Angry its ok of u forgot but pls make mine now cause I really want it

My bad, Striker. I totally was in the middle of it, but then got so many requests that I was filled with work (plus it's Thanksgiving)
EDIT: Here it is. I couldn't get it smashing rocks though, there were no good renders for that.
[Image: 8207508491_7c85e93bcd.jpg]
Hope you like!
Sorry for DP, but I just found my new favorite BG!!!
Hey, this needs a bump, first of all because RayStriker9 didn't get his, and second because I have a new wallpaper ex:
[Image: 8212173796_ae20e03a62.jpg]
THAT IS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why thank you~ I really had fun making it. It's also my signature on the GFX community.
hey bro can u make it a lttle more clear and put the symbol of kerbecs in the back ground and get me a really deadly background and font to be more deadly
I get it. I'll fix it as soon as I have access to my computer, my phone can't get gimp.
thanks a lot Smile
hey done by now ? Its been 3 days
I'm sorry, but I was away and didn't have access to a computer, so I couldn't show that I was away or work on it. It won't be done for a while because I'm changing computers. So I honestly think you should take what I gave you or go to another shop, because I do realize that you want it fast.
Its ok but want it done by jan is that ok
I am aweh! Goodbye! I'm still in this shop, I just won't have any time to do work and I don't have access to GIMP.
Can you build me a signature that has Ryuga shooting L-Drago destroy saying "never give up?"
Ahem, ahem.... format please....