Beyblade tourneys?

Hey, just curious out of all the places in the world, why haven't i been able to find any beyblade tourneys in Northern ireland?

I'm just saying shouldn't someone like.. make one local enough that i can get to it, i wanna get points! xD

look around the site more because i'm sure there is at least one tourney in your area
You sure.. cause there might just be like 2 year old Tourneys that i missed Awhile ago
the new beyblades didn't exist back then and plastics were also too old to have any tourneys at that time
well, i hope i can find one over here, i'd like to get points c:

if only someone was from Northern ireland! D:
you could only get points from a WBO approved tourney and if there were one in northern Ireland I would have heard of it
I doubt they'd just.. make one over here, i wish i could get one of them WBO Tourneys
well if you really want a tourney then pm a mod about it
alexscott12, nearly everything you've said is completely incorrect ... ugh.

Darkwolftime, there have not been any WBO tournaments in Northern Ireland since there aren't many members there. The WBO is a fan-run organisation; as a result, all of our tournaments are run by regular people, like me or you. You are welcome to create a thread in WBO General - Europe, with the relevant prefix, to see if anyone else is interested.

For now, I will lock this, since this doesn't really belong here.