I already posted this on the WBO x Challonge Forum but I figured maybe I'd make my own thing for it
Recently I was informed that we are no longer requiring Challonge accounts for X Tournaments in Season 0 which is all well and good but my personal issue is that now I'm on the rankings list twice. Once with my Challonge account and once without it, meaning my wins and loses are split up between them, and at a recent tournament I was put back at a Elo of 1,000 since they weren't using my actual account which had an Elo of 1,034 This isn't the end of the world but it is a tad bit annoying. Will anything be done about this or will there be an announcement about this change in the future?
Recently I was informed that we are no longer requiring Challonge accounts for X Tournaments in Season 0 which is all well and good but my personal issue is that now I'm on the rankings list twice. Once with my Challonge account and once without it, meaning my wins and loses are split up between them, and at a recent tournament I was put back at a Elo of 1,000 since they weren't using my actual account which had an Elo of 1,034 This isn't the end of the world but it is a tad bit annoying. Will anything be done about this or will there be an announcement about this change in the future?