(Apr. 10, 2011 4:36 AM)Kai-V Wrote:I know that.(Apr. 10, 2011 4:27 AM)Aquilaz112 Wrote: Virgo gets Pwned by Basalt or Hell.
Nobody tested with the five-minute mold, which is the only mold to be top-tier, so you cannot just generalise it like that.
It's just that Virgo is so close to Earth Mold 1 and Burn Mold 1 in Stamina.
And they get Outspinned/Ko-ed by Basalt/Hell.
And I think Libra may get better win against Basalt than Earth.
So that calls for a video Testing:
Basalt Bull 145 WD vs Libra 145 WD
MF-H Bsalt Bull 230 CS vs MF Libra BD145 CS