Beyblade Random Thoughts

(Feb. 24, 2010  2:58 PM)Bey Brad Wrote: more like old pegasis

old leone was sick too tho

I had never seen that Pegasis. Too bad it wasn't feasible.
It was the old one, which had breakage problems.
(Feb. 24, 2010  4:09 PM)The LVJ Wrote: I had never seen that Pegasis. Too bad it wasn't feasible.

(Feb. 24, 2010  11:03 PM)BladerAce17 Wrote: It was the old one, which had breakage problems.

It was never even released...

Main Entry: fea·si·ble
Pronunciation: \ˈfē-zə-bəl\
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English faisible, from Anglo-French faisable, from fais-, stem of faire to make, do, from Latin facere — more at do
Date: 15th century

1 : capable of being done or carried out <a feasible plan>
2 : capable of being used or dealt with successfully : suitable
3 : reasonable, likely
synonyms see possible

— fea·si·bil·i·ty \ˌfē-zə-ˈbi-lə-tē\ noun

— fea·si·bly \ˈfē-zə-blē\ adverb
I've seen it on TheInToy. It just wasn't released in that color.

Here's the link:
No, theINtoy is just using the old renders.

The Pegasis mold which Brad posted, and the one pictured on theINtoy, was never released.
So it's just a normal Pegasis? Drat, I was fooled. But now I can buy it!
(Feb. 24, 2010  2:45 PM)Bey Brad Wrote: [Image: th_BMF5.jpg]

nostalgia, anyone?

Stadium Prototype
[Image: 20000023727.jpg]

Wolf Prototype
[Image: 20000023730.jpg]
Looking back on this; it is sort of similar to Quetzalcoatl, more intricate though.

also, remember this? lol
[Image: 21j0w1w.jpg]
HAHAHA insect tops.
all those prototypes look so much cooler then what they realsed imo
haha i cant believe i fell for the insect beyblades
Lol imagine if Hasbro was at the UK may expo and then you see a group of us saying "yeah it isn't the track mate. Your reading from a script, let the pros show you how it's done and WBO members just take over his/her stall.
I really like DrigerGT's MF Lightning LDrago CH120RF VS MF Earth Aquario GB145WB battle. I think that it is one of the best to date.
I thought that the slow-motion was used in perfect moderation, and that the battles themselves were exciting, balanced and interesting.
(Feb. 25, 2010  10:13 PM)Benkei Wrote: I thought that the slow-motion was used in perfect moderation, and that the battles themselves were exciting, balanced and interesting.

I agree totally with this. Being a huge L Drago fan, it was also nice to finally see that combo in action.
Looking on Ebay for a new stadium. Not going to be using Wyborg a lot in the stadium I'm getting.
(Feb. 25, 2010  9:48 PM)Benkei Wrote: I really like DrigerGT's MF Lightning LDrago CH120RF VS MF Earth Aquario GB145WB battle. I think that it is one of the best to date.

Shouldn't *his be in the Beyblade videos thread? I'm not sure.
But I agree with you Benkei, this battle was EPIC!

EDIT: *this
(Feb. 26, 2010  10:11 AM)diamondclimax Wrote: Shouldn't *his be in the Beyblade videos thread? I'm not sure.

EDIT: *this
This thread would be fine for it. So far since I have gotten both of my Beylaunchers I've had 0 problems, I guess I'm lucky then..
I've had my 1 Beylauncher for a month now and overused it, and it's still fine. Wonder if it's a time thing...
Urgh, why do attack stadiums have to be such a pain in the carp to find?
They're either insanely expensive, or only findable on YJA (and with how much that puts the shipping up it's still not really worth it).
Part of me is considering just waiting a few weeks and getting one of the new Hasbro stadiums.
Did your stadium break?
i have 3 beylaunchers and have had non of the problems people complain about, still got a suspension on the way just incase.
(Feb. 26, 2010  4:24 PM)Khel Wrote: Did your stadium break?

Not only is the underside of it covered in a horrible blend of silver and pink (NEVER let small kids near your things with paint, just thank God they didn't paint the surface), but it now has a decent few dents and cracks in the walls from QuetzCH120RF Tired
I get the feeling the cracks are going to spread the more I use it, one is creeping towards the surface already.
So yeah, considering a Hasbro Metal Fusion stadium as a viable option (providing the shipping isn't through the roof ridiculous).

Surprisingly my Attack Stadium is in pretty good shape. I mean the plastic rim at the base has a couple cracks, but they've been there a while and have not spread.
So what do you think about getting a fusion stadium?
Someones got to test one of these things out, right?