Beyblade Random Thoughts

(Feb. 01, 2015  7:06 PM)UW Officer Wrote:
(Feb. 01, 2015  7:04 PM)Ken Wrote:
(Feb. 01, 2015  6:59 PM)Honey Wrote: Oh, well that's good, then! He can get a couple of competitive, or almost was top-tier things in terms of Limited.

Yeah, go ahead and suck on that, Americans! Grin

Hurtful, lol.

@[UW Officer] When was that? I remember where I live they were 12.00 (11.99) My friend could tell you because we went together.

@[King Carp] Walmart is sold out and Superstores got rid of them, so Dollarama is the only option

I went in August to Buffalo, NY. I only saw the Hyperblades though

In Regina, Walmart, Superstore and Dollarama has them. Although Superstore is the only place in Regina that has Shogun Steel/Zero-G.
(Feb. 01, 2015  7:06 PM)UW Officer Wrote:
(Feb. 01, 2015  7:04 PM)Ken Wrote:
(Feb. 01, 2015  6:59 PM)Honey Wrote: Oh, well that's good, then! He can get a couple of competitive, or almost was top-tier things in terms of Limited.

Yeah, go ahead and suck on that, Americans! Grin

Hurtful, lol.

@[UW Officer] When was that? I remember where I live they were 12.00 (11.99) My friend could tell you because we went together.

@[King Carp] Walmart is sold out and Superstores got rid of them, so Dollarama is the only option (and the best one).

I went in August to Buffalo, NY. I only saw the Hyperblades though
I meant Legends.

The Hyperblades were indeed 9.99, cause I remember buying one.
Really? I went to Regina in July and Beyblades were nowhere Uncertain What do you have in the Superstores (which SS beys)?
Genbu, Ifraid, Dragooon, Pegasus, Kraken, Salamander, basically every SS bey made by Hasbro, they had a couple of those stupid Tornado Battlers, and like 1 or 2 Legends packs.
(Feb. 01, 2015  6:59 PM)Honey Wrote:
UW Officer Wrote:I remember him mentioning they got the 1st wave of Metal Fury and they got some Spark FX too.

Oh, well that's good, then! He can get a couple of competitive, or almost was top-tier things in terms of Limited.

They no longer have them, and I have all Sparks FX which I don't like, they barely have good parts and look hideous. I would prefer Beyblade Legends or even Sparks FX Hyperblades.
speaking of legends, has anyone battle someone with a Twisted Tempo without the PT? Its hilariously fast, its like a F:D in a Super Vortex Stadium on carp!
Well, yeah, the surface is pretty much GF size, which already speeds up synchromes.
(Feb. 03, 2015  2:44 AM)UW Detective Wrote: Well, yeah, the surface is pretty much GF size, which already speeds up synchromes.

It didn't even leave a dent on the Hell Kerbecs I was battling, XD
(Feb. 03, 2015  2:42 AM)King Carp Wrote: speaking of legends, has anyone battle someone with a Twisted Tempo without the PT? Its hilariously fast, its like a FGrin in a Super Vortex Stadium on carp!

That's what I did to my Dark Wolf once...I didn't know how to attach the tip..
Do you guys know what would definitely be interesting? A W145 and LW160 comparison, seeing how alike they are. The really only difference between the two is a slight change in height, W145's wings face to the left, whereas LW160's are to the right. May I ask, has anyone themselves done any stamina mirror-matches between the two?

(Feb. 04, 2015  12:09 AM)Honey Wrote: Do you guys know what would definitely be interesting? A W145 and LW160 comparison, seeing how alike they are. The really only difference between the two is a slight change in height, W145's wings face to the left, whereas LW160's are to the right. May I ask, has anyone themselves done any stamina mirror-matches between the two?

Really? I always thought a comparison was there, but never checked.

If LW160 apparently wasn't that useful, then I think people may have tested it, but a comparison is nice, thanks.
I think the person that posted about that in the Limited thread was Hato.. Serious

I don't have a real stadium, but will do testings to see if it's worthy for real testing Smile
(Feb. 04, 2015  12:09 AM)Honey Wrote: Do you guys know what would definitely be interesting? A W145 and LW160 comparison, seeing how alike they are. The really only difference between the two is a slight change in height, W145's wings face to the left, whereas LW160's are to the right. May I ask, has anyone themselves done any stamina mirror-matches between the two?

I can't recall if any Right-Spin W145 vs 160-height Stamina tests were ever conducted, but based solely on the results I got between LW160 and 160 here, I suspect LW160 would perform only slightly better against W145 than 160 would normally.

Speaking of which, I'd appreciate it if at least two others could get around to repeating that matchup so we can get a better picture of LW160's Stamina potential.
(Feb. 04, 2015  12:17 AM)UW Officer Wrote: I don't have a real stadium

I'm curious, what do you use for a stadium? I know lids to cooking pots work pretty well, or you could even make a traditional beigoma stadium (Piece of cloth tied over a bucket or barrel with a piece of rope). Actually, the beigoma stadium would probably work great, I may try that myself...
It wouldn't be good for testing though, unless it was a perfect copy of stadium used to test.

Imagine a stadium with a surface that is only of many strings?
(Feb. 04, 2015  12:33 AM)Wizard Wrote:
(Feb. 04, 2015  12:17 AM)UW Officer Wrote: I don't have a real stadium

I'm curious, what do you use for a stadium? I know lids to cooking pots work pretty well, or you could even make a traditional beigoma stadium (Piece of cloth tied over a bucket or barrel with a piece of rope). Actually, the beigoma stadium would probably work great, I may try that myself...

Its a counterfeit stadium is what I meant. Very close to a BB10 and looks like a Plastics stadium.

Hmm.. That beigoma stadium sounds interesting. If you do it, can you please post pictures? Smile
Sure, I don't see why not. I would probably take video instead. I wasn't suggesting it for testing purposes though, I was assuming you were using a makeshift stadium.
My test @[Honey]

Samurai Genbull W145 WD vs Omega Kerbecs R145 R2F: both tips in prime. Genbull launched first every time.
1: Omega with OHKO
2: Genbull by OS
3: Omega by KO
4: Omega by KO
5: Omega by KO
6: Genbull by OS
7: Omega by KO
8: Omega by OHKO
9: Omega by OHKO
10: Genbull by OS

Will post Ronin Genbull results very soon Smile

And Genbull was Crystal Up.
I think it's a shame that Hasbro stopped releasing more Hyperblades. I have to admit that I like the ones we got so far a lot! The colors are weird, but nice...
Hyperblade Beat Lynx, Fang Leone, Death Quetz... that would have been great. I'm not happy about the Legend versions of Leone and Quetz... :\
I took apart my ripcord launcher just to see how it worked today. When I put it back together it seemed normal, but the gear was a bit loose, and for whatever reason, that is making my launcher probably as powerful as a string, when I launched Beyblade Squads legendary Fat Man Pegasus, it went at speeds that rivaled light, oh carp did it go. But its technically illegal. I'll just have to mess around with my friends...

EDIT: when i said that "its technically illegal" im referring to the launcher.
You probably forgot to put back in the little piece by the gear.
(Feb. 18, 2015  4:15 AM)DRAGON KING Wrote: You probably forgot to put back in the little piece by the gear.

I did put it back, it just probably didn't go into the original position
I believe if you put it in backwards it doesn't work correctly. That might be it.
So I found this:

Excerpt from Uncyclopedia Wrote:Beyblade (ベイブレード Bleiblei) is a highly sought after weapon of mass destruction disguised as and alluded to as a "spinning top" developed by McDonalds and manufactured by Hasbro starting in 1999. The introduction of the toy in Japan corresponded with the broadcast of a television series of the same name, in an attempt to both arm and indoctrinate pre-teen male members of their society. It's a part of the Yu-Gi-Oh! Rip-Off-Oh! series.

Learned a lot more about Bleiblei today than I probably ever needed to. Thanks, internet.
So, out of curiosity, have any of you noticed how successfully BD145RDF does against opposite-spin stamina? Like, those things are actually beasts against them. From my testings, RDF has won almost every single time, or if not a win, caused ties. If this hasn't already, it, in my opinion should seriously be looked into more.

@[Aɴɢʀʏ Fᴀᴄᴇ] : much acurit, vere acurite, wow, god jab to thos at the uncyclopedia they no there baeblades wel