(Feb. 01, 2015 7:06 PM)UW Officer Wrote:(Feb. 01, 2015 7:04 PM)Ken Wrote:(Feb. 01, 2015 6:59 PM)Honey Wrote: Oh, well that's good, then! He can get a couple of competitive, or almost was top-tier things in terms of Limited.
Yeah, go ahead and suck on that, Americans!
Hurtful, lol.
@[UW Officer] When was that? I remember where I live they were 12.00 (11.99) My friend could tell you because we went together.
@[King Carp] Walmart is sold out and Superstores got rid of them, so Dollarama is the only option
I went in August to Buffalo, NY. I only saw the Hyperblades though
In Regina, Walmart, Superstore and Dollarama has them. Although Superstore is the only place in Regina that has Shogun Steel/Zero-G.