BeyBlade FAN UserBar

I have recently made this two userbar, they are not perfect..but i like it (:

Bakuten Shoot BeyBlade FAN:
[Image: s3ovhw.png]
[size=xx-small][b][color=#FF69B4]UserBar[/color][/b] [i][color=#FFA500]By[/color][/i] [font=Times New Roman][color=#98FB98][url=]C a o S³[/url][/color][/size][/font]
Metal Fight BeyBlade FAN:
[Image: a1oaoh.png]
[size=xx-small][b][color=#FF69B4]UserBar[/color][/b] [i][color=#FFA500]By[/color][/i] [font=Times New Roman][color=#98FB98][url=]C a o S³[/url][/color][/size][/font]
Credits are not necessary but..make happy who have made this userbar (thanks!)
you can already make a userbar shop!
(Apr. 22, 2011  10:53 AM)bigbangpegasis9 Wrote: you can already make a userbar shop!
Uhm..nah, this is two of my first userbar and i think that they are not too good ç.ç takao's head is too small and ginga's one is too big (i think)
what kind of program did you use anyways?
(Apr. 22, 2011  11:00 AM)bigbangpegasis9 Wrote: what kind of program did you use anyways?
I use more than one: Photoshop CS5 and The Gimp