Bey Brad Was Wrong!!!There Is A Hard Metal System Wolborg 2

Here I'll Give You Guys A Picture

Well It My Not Be Wolborg 2 But Its Wolborg None Of The Less
that's Wolborg MS

not Wolborg MS 2

you are an idiot
I Said It May Not be 2 But Its Wolborg
Kazuma Wrote:I Said It May Not be 2 But Its Wolborg

i never denied there was a Wolborg MS

in fact, I wrote a rather large article about it:

what is your point exactly
keeping this open for posterity
Wolborg 1 and Wolborg 2 plastic gen. Bearing Core 1 and 2 HMS gen.

Mild similarities there, but not enough to save the OP from looking like an carp.
yeah i guess you can call jiraiya ms "wolborg ms 2" if you're a complete jerk
You were wrong about Galux, too! Wow brad you just keep dropping the ball here
Marin Wrote:You were wrong about Galux, too! Wow brad you just keep dropping the ball here

ok i like you now because this is a really good post
SexyMichael Wrote:sticky imo

Bey Brad, don't you ever take time to double check these kinds of things?
Neko-Jin Rei Wrote:Bey Brad, don't you ever take time to double check these kinds of things?

not really, the entirety of beywiki is composed of assumptions and drunken lies
no, i think that's just regular wikipedia which is just all conjecture

we have the facts, homes