Best Metal Fight & 4D Beys?

These are the Beys i'm going to get for my B-day in 3 months what do you think: Phantom Orion, Jade Jupiter, Diablo Nemesis, Duo Uranus, Earth Virgo, Fang Leone, Big Bang Pegasus, L-Drago Destroy, Scythe Kronus, Blitz Unicorno, Vulcan Horuseus, Killer Beafowl, Rock Giraffe

Beys i've got: Twisted Tempo, Night Virgo, Spin Capricorn, Hades Kerbecs, Grand Cetus White and Blue, Storm Pegasus, Thermal Lacerta, Cyclone Herculeo, Rock Orso, Rock and Counter Leone and Burn Fireblaze

What do you think? Wink

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