Austria / Österreich

Hi Guys!

I recently got back into Beyblade due to hasbros Beyblade X release.

Now that we've got quite a few conventions coming up over here I figured I'd make a post to see if there are some people interested in hosting a little tournament or to simply battle it out for a bit 

As there weren't any posts about Austria yet (Apart from a 10 year old DACH team) I don't expect a lot, if any, replies but someone has to make that first step I guess xD

Feel free to hit me up if you're interested in creating a beyblade scene in austria Wink



nachdem Hasbro jetzt beyblade x bei uns released hat und einige conventions zum thema anime / games am Plan stehen wollte ich mal schauen ob sich ein paar Leute in Österreich finden um eventuell mal zu battlen, sich auszutauschen oder ggf sogar ein kleines Tournament zu hosten.

Grüße aus NÖ Smile