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The cleaness? Um...not exactly. If you don't add anything, just wash it, it's fine.
(Apr. 04, 2013  2:03 AM)Themeeny7 Wrote:
(Apr. 04, 2013  2:01 AM)Outnumbered Wrote: Wait what? You can take gunk out of your beyblade.
I'm not entirely sure what you're saying...

well, he said reparing a bey is illegal. Repairing means fixing something that is broken. And if it is dirty, the cleaness of a bey is broken. Therefor cleaning a bey is repairing it.
so using brasso on beys is illegal XD it was not like this when i started blading
edit: NVM! I fixed my r145 legally
Using Brasso to clean the Metal is fine ... What are you talking about ?
So these are my only MFB beyblades since i never got to many when they first came out here in american and only got one imported from japan so ik 2 of them but i wondered if you could tell me the full names of these four before i go asking for a combo in the combo thread. thanks
Going from first picture downwards, from left to right.
Counter Leone D125B, Pegasis 105F, Rock Orso D125B and Storm Aries 125S.
Thank you very much Cannon
Is there a difference between the TAKARA-TOMY EWD, and the Hasbro EWD? Is the TT one better in any way?
No such difference has been reported, I believe?
The only problem reported about EWD is that it wears down too fast, and then it starts moving aggressively.
I was just wondering because a lot of people have been selling the Hasbro Evil/Killer Befowl cheaper than the Takara one. So I thought maybe there would be a difference in them? And is EWD still worth buying?
The Hasbro Evil Befall IS cheaper than the Takara Tomy one since its release...
There's nothing suspicious in it.

You will never see a Hasbro bey priced higher than a TT bey.
Unless you live in Australia...
(Apr. 04, 2013  2:03 AM)Themeeny7 Wrote:
(Apr. 04, 2013  2:01 AM)Outnumbered Wrote: Wait what? You can take gunk out of your beyblade.
I'm not entirely sure what you're saying...

well, he said reparing a bey is illegal. Repairing means fixing something that is broken. And if it is dirty, the cleaness of a bey is broken. Therefor cleaning a bey is repairing it.
You can't "break" the "cleaness" of beyblade, that's scientifically impossible, and grammatically incorrect...
(Apr. 02, 2013  8:04 PM)UGottaCetus Wrote: I know that other Stadiums than the BB-10, such as the Balance type, are legal for tourneys, but are they legal for testing?

Also, how come Barrage Attack doesn't exist in the meta-game? Could it be used to wear down other Beys gradually through the battle, with multiple protrusion wheels like Blitz, Wing, or Big Bang?

I think this was missed.
No, only the BeyStadium Attack Type is acceptable for test results. Results in other stadiums can be posted in one thread for the sake of referrence and comparison, but to actually test and prove combinations' and parts' worth, only the BeyStadium Attack Type can be used.

As for "Barrage Attack", that is no official term for anything ...
I know barrage attack isn't official, my question is why though? Some Beys(Big Bang Pegasis, Blitz Unicorno, etc.) have a "Barrage mode" designed to overwhelm the opponent with constant and repeated attacks. I think that this could be useful, but IDK for sure.
Can someone help me with this performance tip, I don't know what it is and I need to know. It is blue. It looks almost exactly like D , but it is rough instead of smooth, and it has a flat bottom. When I first started, I used this with medeeiocre defence combos, and they would become the best bey I had. Now 8 months later, I know how to make top tier defence combos- but putting this tip on one makes it the best bey I have too. When I first got it, it was even taller then eds, maybe even two times taller. After many battles it broke in half and is now better then it was before strangely. Even at half of its size, it is as tall as cs, and it even seems to outclass cs. It also makes the bey move and fight like a attack type, but it still has great defence, and almost even boosted stamina, But it only does that on a defence bey, nothing else that I know of. Wadduya think it is? I really need to know for future reference.

(Apr. 04, 2013  9:45 PM)UGottaCetus Wrote: I know barrage attack isn't official, my question is why though? Some Beys(Big Bang Pegasis, Blitz Unicorno, etc.) have a "Barrage mode" designed to overwhelm the opponent with constant and repeated attacks. I think that this could be useful, but IDK for sure.

I have noticed that top tier attack beys with a heavy defence wheel seem to do this. Also destabilizer I've made that are top tier seem to do this even more ( like striker Smile). Though, that doesn't make it a term, because the creators of beys haven't made it one and there isn't enough bladers calling it that for it to be official basically.

(Apr. 05, 2013  12:31 AM)Themeeny7 Wrote: Can someone help me with this performance tip, I don't know what it is and I need to know. It is blue. It looks almost exactly like D , but it is rough instead of smooth, and it has a flat bottom. When I first started, I used this with medeeiocre defence combos, and they would become the best bey I had. Now 8 months later, I know how to make top tier defence combos- but putting this tip on one makes it the best bey I have too. When I first got it, it was even taller then eds, maybe even two times taller. After many battles it broke in half and is now better then it was before strangely. Even at half of its size, it is as tall as cs, and it even seems to outclass cs. It also makes the bey move and fight like a attack type, but it still has great defence, and almost even boosted stamina, But it only does that on a defence bey, nothing else that I know of. Wadduya think it is? I really need to know for future reference.

(Apr. 04, 2013  9:45 PM)UGottaCetus Wrote: I know barrage attack isn't official, my question is why though? Some Beys(Big Bang Pegasis, Blitz Unicorno, etc.) have a "Barrage mode" designed to overwhelm the opponent with constant and repeated attacks. I think that this could be useful, but IDK for sure.

I have noticed that top tier attack beys with a heavy defence wheel seem to do this. Also destabilizer I've made that are top tier seem to do this even more ( like striker Smile). Though, that doesn't make it a term, because the creators of beys haven't made it one and there isn't enough bladers calling it that for it to be official. And plus, bey types can't be named off of modes. For example drystroyer has counter mode that boosts attack that dun mean all attack types are counter types
(Apr. 05, 2013  12:31 AM)Themeeny7 Wrote: Can someone help me with this performance tip, I don't know what it is and I need to know. It is blue. It looks almost exactly like D , but it is rough instead of smooth, and it has a flat bottom. When I first started, I used this with medeeiocre defence combos, and they would become the best bey I had. Now 8 months later, I know how to make top tier defence combos- but putting this tip on one makes it the best bey I have too. When I first got it, it was even taller then eds, maybe even two times taller. After many battles it broke in half and is now better then it was before strangely. Even at half of its size, it is as tall as cs, and it even seems to outclass cs. It also makes the bey move and fight like a attack type, but it still has great defence, and almost even boosted stamina, But it only does that on a defence bey, nothing else that I know of. Wadduya think it is? I really need to know for future reference.

(Apr. 04, 2013  9:45 PM)UGottaCetus Wrote: I know barrage attack isn't official, my question is why though? Some Beys(Big Bang Pegasis, Blitz Unicorno, etc.) have a "Barrage mode" designed to overwhelm the opponent with constant and repeated attacks. I think that this could be useful, but IDK for sure.

I have noticed that top tier attack beys with a heavy defence wheel seem to do this. Also destabilizer I've made that are top tier seem to do this even more ( like striker Smile). Though, that doesn't make it a term, because the creators of beys haven't made it one and there isn't enough bladers calling it that for it to be official basically.

I honestly have no idea what Performance Tip that could possibly be. If it was twice as tall as EDS or CS, it was probably fake, seeing as EDS and CS are both tips from the tallest variety.

Destabilizer is a term, however, Barrage Attack is not. While Blitz may have a Barrage Mode, it still uses Smash Attack, just less pronounced.
I guess the closest thing we have to Barrage Attack is when Basalt/Death/Duo "grinds" down the opponent, but while there used to be Destabilizers, there were never any "Grinders" or "Barrage Attackers".

EDIT: BBP has no Barrage Mode as far as I know. What you're thinking of is probably Omnidirectional Attack Mode, and was changed in the dub.
UGottaCetus- Well, I do not have a clear answer to that, but if you read about Blitz's Barrage Mode on the BeyWiki, you'd know why those kind of things don't work. More number of attacks that lack enough force but produce tremendous recoil.
(Apr. 05, 2013  2:50 AM)Janstarblast Wrote: UGottaCetus- Well, I do not have a clear answer to that, but if you read about Blitz's Barrage Mode on the BeyWiki, you'd know why those kind of things don't work. More number of attacks that lack enough force but produce tremendous recoil.

For realsies? I thought Barrage Mode was more of a defensive mode. :\
Well, I wonder what made you think of it that way. :\

Barrage Mode, according to the anime, is a Mode that provides a series of repetitive attacks. However, that is not exactly effective in practice, and actually results in more self-damage than damaging the opposing bey.
It has nothing to do with Defense, though...
Although it obviously isnt as good as flash blits and variares, is lightning l drago a tier 2 attack bey?
Dear Experts,

I'm trying to confirm the authenticity (that it's not a fake) of this Beyblade I purchased in a used lot from YJA. Likewise, I'd like to know if there's anyone here who can confidently identify what version of Dragoon S this is (assuming that it's in fact a real Takara Beyblade).

I know it's a Dragoon S AR and it has a bearing base (Right Spin!). Since it was in a lot with other Beyblades, I'm not sure if the previous owner assembled it with the original/correct WD but I've gone ahead and included the photos of the WD anyways.

1) is it real?
2) what's the official name?

Thanks very much!

PS - my best guess was Dragoon S Limited Edition Blue Dragon Version by using process of elimination on the Dragoon S BeyWiki 'other versions' list.

All pics in spoiler

No for several reasons:

1) That's not Dragoon S' base. It's been altered to hold that SG.
2) Aside from that only two blue dragoon S' were made by Takara which are different shades to that colour of blue (this is why I want more pictures on beywiki of other versions)
3) It doesn't say Takara on it anywhere.

The stickers could be real but i'm not sure.
1) What would be a good Attack combo with Gryph? (Could WSF or MF be used?)
2) What's a good 1st gen Attack combo, hopefully one that has Penta Wing?
(Yes. I, for a matter of fact, AM one of those Bladers)
@Theemeny- Lightning was once a top tier Attack wheel. Yes, it is inferior to Blitz, VariAres and Flash.
However, classifying it as a Tier 2 Attacker isn't exactly correct. Lightning's main drawback was its light-weight.
Lightning isn't quite effective now due to its light weight. In a way, it is truly useless and doesn't belong to Tier 2 either. But in theory, it is inferior to VariAres, Flash and Blitz (and Fang, Beat, Gravity, all Zero G Attackers). So if these wheels can be listed as Tier 1 (which only a few of them will be) then Lightning goes to the bottom of Tier 2.