When i put mi Death Wheel togheter with Quetzalcoatl CW or many wheels, i can hear a little sound, so i saw the MW isn´t completly adjusted at all, and when i put it with Aquario and Bull CW dont make any sound, so my question is: What is the better choice, completly adjusted and no sound, or not ajusted at all and sound?
and the choice its for the damage could my death wheel can take for the battles, making it more fragile, and it can be broked in battle...
i made this question thinking there's difference beetwen both "level of adjust".
Note: the adjust isnt difference in Modes of Death. just the CW makes that Adjust difference.
I prove it with MF and MF2 so there's no matter, it still making the sound.
so thanks in Advance. if u want a video to see that difference in the sound and adjustement just tell me... thanks again.