[Answered]  Where to find YouTube tournament

I've seen a lot of clips compilations and really short tournament recaps, but what I can't find is a tournament that was filmed throughout the whole tournament. Does anyone know of a tournament that was filmed and released in it's entirety? Maybe a Livestream of a tournament?
WBO’s YouTube page has some good tournament videos, Wombat’s page as well. There’s some standard, classic & MFB stuff there. They don’t have tournaments filmed in their entirety but they are still good. A whole tournament can take 3-6 hours so I don’t really know any YouTube channels that have full tournaments. Joyos does have a video of his finals (top 8) on Twitch from an earlier live stream.

Here’s a link to a tournament video from each. You can see more videos from their pages as well.

WBO: https://youtu.be/zeGuNyX7dks

Wombat: https://youtu.be/zzYDC6DUbrE

(Sorry, don’t know how to just link their main pages - I’m old)
Thanks! I'll look into those. I know I'm looking for something kind of specific. But, I like watching a tournament unfold.
I get it. I’m the same way. Twitch or something like that might be better than YouTube just because of the length. I know I always get pumped watching the tournament videos and because if COVID, that’s as close as we can get to competing right now.
Exactly! I need content!! And hours of it would be ideal!! Someone ought to do a Swiss tournament at home with their beys!
Are you in the discord channel? They do CBTs in there and will usually do it live on YouTube or post the full video.
Yeah, I'm in there. I set notifications for all messages in cbts lol