A short story = Epic Kombat

2 best friends named Ryan and Fluffy Bunny were taking ninja lessons.
They got mad and wanted to fight eachother, to the death!

Ryan and fluffy bunny fought. Ryan caught fluffy bunny's arm, but fluffy bunny manged to pull away.
Ryan then grabbed fluffy bunny and threw him and he was rolling across the floor. Fluffy bunny did a jump to get back up. The then kicked ryan and ryan fell on his back. He jumped and got back on.
He then charged with a chop then a reverse punch.
30 mins later
He did another punch at fluffy bunny on and on. The battle was long. Ryan did another punch and then he pulled back for some reason.
Ryan then said "OH FORGET THIS"
(Pulls his shirt up and grabs a pistol from his jeans, points it at fluffy bunny and shoots!)

Heres a video (NOT BY ME) How to be ninja : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JdLCEwEFCMU
... I wonder where you got this idea from... At least give credit to nigahiga, it was his idea.