160 Discussion

OK, so it's my second (And last) discussion of today, so what ? I bored XD
Now , down to the matter at hand ;
I wanted to test 160 against some other heights, such as 230 , 105 , 90 , etc.
So here we go;

Standard Procedure Used

MF Orojya Orojya 160MB vs MF Variares 90R2F

MF Orojya Orojya 160MB: 7 (OS) 1 (SKO) [80% win]
MF Variares 90R2F: 1 (KO) [10% win]
1 Draw

MF Orojya Orojya 160MB vs Spiral Capricorne AD145SD

MF Orojya Orojya 160MB: 6 (OS) [60% win]
Spiral Capricorne AD145SD: 4 (OS) [40% win]

Overall, I like 160 , of course, it's still not as good as 230 , but it's a good substitute.
I'll do a 230 test tomorrow if I get the time Smile

Test results and Test ideas much appreciated !

(Feb. 20, 2013  11:00 PM)Ingulit Wrote: I don't see any logic behind the combos you tested either with or against.

I know :L
The only thing was the 90 on variares.
Does anyone have any ideas ?
But as I said , my main idea was to test it against 230 - I just haven't gotten around to it yet ...
why not a phantom 160WD (to see if you can use WD at that height and not only on a 145 track) and Duo/Revizer Revizer 160RB/RS?
Boredom isn't a valid reason for making a thread with completely irrelevant tests.