tracks with wings

okay we all know that galaxy pegasis has a wing 105 track. but have u ever noticed that storm pegasis105rf has better stamina? idk if its the r2f or the w105 that decreases galaxy pegasis stamina. w105 like df105 and lw105 r supposed to cut through the air and drag wind ressistance downwards. although these r good low profile tracks for attack types they atcually create a lot of wind ressistance. u know when u launch your bey and u put your hand over it u can feel the wind comming of your bey. but when u use a track with wings those tracks r fighting against that wind and can slow your bey down. so i suggest u try to stay away from beys that have tracks with wings. if u have a bey like meteo l dragolw105lf simply replace the track with a regular 105 100,90,0r 85 track that doesn't have wings
The wings' effects are negible. As in doesn't really work. Read around andlook in Beywiki before posting such topics.