farewell for now............. i know this is the wrong forum but WHO CARES!!!

im leaving for a while..... i need a break from arizona to smell the pacific ocean breeze in california! on August 7th ill be leaving and i need to know if disneyland has any tournaments... one of my friends told me there was but i dont know if its true so im gonna need to get backed up on it.
if thats possible
Just post in the "Going Away/Coming Back" Topic located in the Introduce Yourself! Forum.

You don't care?
Dude nobody cares, put it in your sig or the appropriate thread.

My B'day is on the 7th.....of July Joyful_3

Anyway, I do think you need a warning for this.

this was prob the first tym i used good grammer, it feels 2 long
oh sorry i cant post it in the other forum i cant start another thread there..... it wont let me.
Just post this in the Going Away/Coming Back thread. You don't need to start another thread, as the Going/Coming is a thread where you post this stuff. Ya get it? Sometimes I'm a little confusing XD!

EDIT: BTW, the Going/Coming thread is a sticky in the Introduce Yourself forum, which means i'll always be at the very top.
Hey, You know what lets ban you and then you can never come back. Your the one who said you didn't care!

Wrong forum, Going Away/Coming Thread. This is for new members, not confused ones!
even if there was a tournement in Cali you weren't gonna win any way, so enjoy ur vacation and stay gone