[UK+USA team] TEAM PREDATOR currently recruiting


Who want's to be in a team of elites, a team where you can prove your skills in beyblade. Also if you ask to have a certain part and your the first one to ask you'll get it. All you need to do is sign the contract bellow.

Name: (doesn't have to be real name)
your beyblade:
beyblade rank:
reason your joining:

See simple way to join, if your not so good I'll train you train you or I'll ask if anyone wants to be a coach.

aidanoe (me), leader, beyblade: phantom gasher BD
DEADMAU-x, co-captain, beyblade: unknown???
Dark aquario 55,third in command, beyblade:basalt befall AD145WD
anyone else? want to join
me I will join
great your in we have got three more spaces. Anyone??
what do I do know???????????
how can you make a signature
yes you can, awesome two members so your the two other leaders.