~~~Phantom Discussion~~~
Hey guys! Welcome to the Limited Format discussion thread for Hasbro's Metal Fury Phantom Metal Wheel! To best compare Phantom to Earth and Burn, I've done multiple sets of mirror matches to make it clear whether or not wins/losses are being caused by the Metal Wheel itself as opposed to the CW/Track/Bottom.
I have a good amount of testing here, but we need more, so if you own Phantom, test away!
Quote:Recoil benchmarks:
Earth Cancer W145WD vs. Gravity Perseus TR145RSF
Cancer launched first on all launches. Perseus in right-spin/counter mode.
Earth: wins, 6/20 (All OS)
Gravity: wins, 14/20 (All KO)
Earth Cancer W145WD win rate: 30%
Burn Cancer W145WD vs. Gravity Perseus TR145RSF
Cancer launched first on all launches. Perseus in right-spin/counter mode.
Burn: wins, 2/20 (1 KO, 1 OS)
Gravity: wins, 18/20 (All KO)
Burn Cancer W145WD win rate: 10%
Quote:Phantom testing:
Burn testing:
Phantom Cancer W145WD vs. Burn Cancer W145WD
Parts swapped after round 10. Beys alternated launching first.
Phantom: wins, 9/20 (All OS)
Burn: wins, 11/20 (All OS)
Phantom Cancer W145WD win rate: 45%
These tests seemed to be extremely favorable to whichever was launched first. Phantom was able to squeak out a win most of the time when it was launched first, but only by a couple dozen rotations. When Burn was launched first, it out-spun by a mile. I have no doubt it could've spun for another 30-40 seconds after Phantom fell over during most of its wins. It was quite obviously ahead of Phantom.
However, 45% against Burn in a mirror match is still pretty darn awesome. Phantom did a pretty good job in any case.
Phantom Cancer 85WD vs. Burn Cancer 85WD
Parts swapped after round 10. Beys alternated launching first.
Phantom: wins, 4/20 (1 KO, 3 OS)
Burn: wins, 16/20 (1 KO, 15 OS)
Phantom Cancer 85WD win rate: 20%
Eh... fail. XD Burn pretty much solidly out-did Phantom.
Phantom Cancer 230D vs. Burn Cancer 230D
Parts swapped after round 10. Beys alternated launching first.
Phantom: wins, 5/20 (1 KO, 4 OS)
Burn: wins, 15/20 (All OS)
Phantom Cancer 230D win rate: 25%
Phantom was actually going dead even with Burn for the first ten rounds, but after I swapped parts, Burn took over by a little.
Burn pretty much does flat-out better than Phantom from what I can see, but one must remember that Burn does flat-out better than a lot of things. Phantom looks viable, but by no means at Burn's level. The Earth tests will probably let us evaluate better.
Earth testing:
Phantom Cancer W145WD vs. Earth Cancer W145WD
Parts swapped after round 10. Beys alternated launching first.
Phantom: wins, 9/20 (All OS)
Earth: wins, 11/20 (All OS)
Phantom Cancer W145WD win rate: 45%
Yah... Earth was noticeably ahead of Phantom here for the most part, but whichever was launched first usually won anyway (which really seems to happen a lot when I'm testing this wheel...).
Phantom Cancer 230D vs. Earth Cancer 230D
Parts swapped after round 10. Beys alternated launching first.
Phantom: wins, 11/20 (All OS)
Earth: wins, 9/20 (All OS)
Phantom Cancer 230D win rate: 55%
This was pretty impressive... it was going dead even for the first ten rounds, but after that, Phantom barely squeaked ahead and pulled an extra win.
Phantom Cancer 85WD vs. Earth Cancer 85WD
Parts swapped after round 10. Beys alternated launching first.
Phantom: wins, 9/20 (All OS)
Earth: wins, 11/20 (All OS)
Phantom Cancer 85WD win rate: 45%
Eh... Phantom was almost even. Earth was a little bit ahead, but not by too much.
Recoil testing:
Phantom Cancer W145WD vs. Gravity Perseus TR145RSF
Phantom launched first on all launches. Gravity in right-spin/counter mode.
Phantom: wins, 2/20 (1 KO, 1OS)
Gravity: wins, 18/20 (All KO)
Phantom Cancer W145WD win rate: 10%
Er... yah. Phantom's recoil is pretty horrendous. :\ If it's going dead even with Earth, I really see no reason to use it instead.
Anyway, my honest opinion on Phantom, is that it's just too mediocre to be considered top-tier. It's not terrible by any means, it can be quite effective, but its recoil does pose a problem. IMO there really is no good reason to use it over Earth or Burn as far as Stamina goes.
Thanks for reading! Testing would be seriously appreciated.