How much is a Dragoon Grip Attacker worth?

IMPORTANT: As the forum rules state, you must provide a photo of the Beyblades or accessories that you want to sell with a piece of paper where your name is written. If you open a thread without posting this photograph immediately as it is opened, it will be closed right away. This is to prevent more fraud.

So I feel this is the most accurate location for this post.

I recently put up my old collection of beyblades on ebay. Some guy messaged me, showing extreme interest in this one blade, and offered me 15 dollars for my Dragoon Grip Attacker beyblade.

Since I haven't been interested in beyblades for some time now, I was quite puzzled. Is this a good blade? Is 15 dollars a fair price for it? Too high? Too low? Just right?

/Users/rbethell13/Desktop/Photo on 2011-06-28 at 20.17.jpg
Why bother to make another thread if someone gave you a link to where you're supposed to ask that? Uncertain