Favorite Beyblades

What is ur favorite uncostumized beyblade and y is it ur fav blade?

mine woold be Ultimate frostic dranzer (even tho i dont have it yet) its like bistool soo it is a good Combination blade and if u add a 10 Balance WD then it kills >:3
just nvm this needs to be locked i just cheked the loked topics and theres alot of these
My favorite uncustomized blades are bumpking because of the nostalgia, wolborg because of the switch blade mechanism on the bottom, and Einstein MS because of its smash potential against mediocre/lite weight blades. I never got around to getting the really popular ones because at these times i didn't know the difference between a bad blade and a good blade unless i bought it an tried it out for myself.
Bumpking12 Wrote:wolborg because of the switch blade mechanism on the bottom

The... what?

Edit: Oh you mean this?

[Image: 38dd5fef.png]

I'm pretty sure it isn't a switchblade, there isn't space for it to retract completely...
AHAHAHA I love you Nic