Going Away/Coming Back Topic

Ehh, I never really post on this forum much anymore, so I think this will be my last post. I'm out, cya. Um, if you want to get in contact with me for whatever reason, as I have said before, just send me an email or add me on msn, just add triviumfan51153@hotmail.co.uk

Hah, byebye. Smile
see ya round spidermouth
delete this account kthx Wrote:Ehh, I never really post on this forum much anymore, so I think this will be my last post. I'm out, cya. Um, if you want to get in contact with me for whatever reason, as I have said before, just send me an email or add me on msn, just add triviumfan51153@hotmail.co.uk

Hah, byebye. Smile
is it because of the spider thing?
delete this account kthx Wrote:Ehh, I never really post on this forum much anymore, so I think this will be my last post. I'm out, cya. Um, if you want to get in contact with me for whatever reason, as I have said before, just send me an email or add me on msn, just add triviumfan51153@hotmail.co.uk

Hah, byebye. Smile

[Image: n1391403146358179964zn1.jpg]
As of Sunday evening I will be off in the sky to the definately sunny state of Florida for two and a half weeks for a vacation. I'll be able to post durring this time, but something tells me I'll be a bit busy. So later days!
Hey all, I'm still alive and such >.>

Life has been well, hectic, for the greater part of spring. With summer finally here, college things and graduation behind me, I plan to begin checking here more often. I expect a full return in August with the release of the new blades. I'm as anxious as everyone else, and I intend to earn back the respect I once had from my beloved friends here on the board.
Leaving early tomorrow morning to TN.

Won't come back till Monday or so.
I think it's time for me to follow in Ras' footsteps and become another British girl who just pops up every now and then to say 'HIIII' and 'HELLOOOO' - I've been away quite a bit recently and it's due to a number of things; work, many new responsibilities and the fact my computer wouldn't turn on for 4 days because it's a piece of carp.

Still, I hope you won't completely forget about me as I'll pop in and out every so often to offer my amazingly apt pearls of wisdom* and ridiculous anecdotes. Take care of yourselves and good luck in whatever you do! I'll see you around. :)

* = lmao
Alice Wrote:I think it's time for me to follow in Ras' footsteps and become another British girl who just pops up every now and then to say 'HIIII' and 'HELLOOOO' - I've been away quite a bit recently and it's due to a number of things; work, many new responsibilities and the fact my computer wouldn't turn on for 4 days because it's a piece of carp.

Still, I hope you won't completely forget about me as I'll pop in and out every so often to offer my amazingly apt pearls of wisdom* and ridiculous anecdotes. Take care of yourselves and good luck in whatever you do! I'll see you around. Smile

* = lmao


We'll miss youuuu.
im going to be leaving beywiki now everyone is saying my post are pointless and they think im blader kenny for some odd reason so i might just leeve the forums good bye i heart <3 all of u

taru678 Wrote:im going to be leaving beywiki now everyone is saying my post are pointless and they think im blader kenny for some odd reason so i might just leeve the forums good bye i heart <3 all of u


It's not that your posts are carp... it's just that you post things without a meaning to it.
taru678 Wrote:im going to be leaving beywiki now everyone is saying my post are pointless and they think im blader kenny for some odd reason so i might just leeve the forums good bye i heart <3 all of u



ya well ive missed it here im back 4 right now but im going away agin sonneven tho u guys dnt care
Hello, i've been busy for the last 2-3 days but i am back in action.

EDIT: NVM, I'm gonna be busy again. I'll be posting again in a week or two..
Okay i'm going tomorow for two week away I will be back on the 4th August.

See ya there peoples

and never let it R.I.P Grin Tongue_out
I didn't leave but I had some major computer problems. I just wanted to say that I'm still alive.
I'll be leaving tomorrow for some small vacation. Should be back later by Thursday.
alas i leave to florida for a week starting today

family vacation hohohoho
I'm back guys.
i guess i should mention rex (teikger) is kind of in jail at the moment.
Woah?! Serious? what the hell happened?
wow, some family carp just happened. i need a break since i'm burnt out and stressed to the max. we'll see when i get back.

(i will be back though)