World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.
Has a tv show or movie ever made you cry? - Printable Version

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RE: Has a tv show or movie ever made you cry? - ShredderN64 - Sep. 27, 2010

I was little, and I was watching Pokemon 4ever. I thought Celebi actually died, and I also thought the Celebi on my game did too. (I thought there was only one of each legendary in all existence, and Pokemon was real :v)

RE: Has a tv show or movie ever made you cry? - mesorangerxx - Sep. 28, 2010

Phantom of the opera OMG every part of that movie makes me cry....u will know wut I mean if u watch it.....btw I know this is not a movie but in mw2 when sheperd killed ghost...I bawled lol

RE: Has a tv show or movie ever made you cry? - HEAVYARMS - Sep. 28, 2010

Kamen Rider W/Double 48 -
Kamen Rider Blade 49 -
Dead Poets Society -
Grave of the Fireflies
Kamen Rider Kiva

RE: Has a tv show or movie ever made you cry? - INFINITYDRANZER - Sep. 28, 2010

Um...dont LOL at the name.
When I was 7 I cried when they released the whale in Free Willy.
Toy Story 3 didnt even get me close to crying. I dont see whats so sad about it?

RE: Has a tv show or movie ever made you cry? - Moneymaker23 - Sep. 28, 2010

I cried at the end of bridge to terabithia, i was 9.
I kinda cried when i watched the last episode of yugioh

RE: Has a tv show or movie ever made you cry? - NerfMASTER! - Sep. 28, 2010

Marley and Me. My Dog had just died about a month or 2 ago too.

RE: Has a tv show or movie ever made you cry? - angelmeins - Feb. 10, 2011

a few of my show new one and old ones the most recnt was when yuu's bey brock and he was crying and all of sunted i was crying or when the battle ryuuga vs tsubasa was comeing to a end i almost yelled at my tv i had cover my mulquiorraouth coz ever else was asleep or when grimjow died me and my sister both cry wean it looked liked

RE: Has a tv show or movie ever made you cry? - ƛnubis - Feb. 10, 2011

Weli never had but i have gotten teary eyed during the few ( some are books)................

- The Undrland Chornicals Code of the Claw
When Boots gives Gregor the plastic bat and says it is Aries.
- Draon Ball GT
Obuious reasons
Pendragon Soilders of Halla
When they are in the future at the end.

uhhhhhh.... that is it so far

RE: Has a tv show or movie ever made you cry? - dephlect - Feb. 11, 2011

Dragon Ball GT and Yugioh

RE: Has a tv show or movie ever made you cry? - WhyD125 - Feb. 11, 2011

Christmas Shoes. Just the song almost makes me cry.

RE: Has a tv show or movie ever made you cry? - NitroNeo - Feb. 11, 2011

Naruto >>>

In the old series when Choji was fighting some sound ninja & uses his ultimate jutsu & the episode ends it feels like he is dying , man i cried alot & ssearched the net to see if he was alive or not

Spiderman 3 >>>

I was really felt sad & cried a lot when Harry Osborn who was helping spiderman , got killed

RE: Has a tv show or movie ever made you cry? - Nano - Feb. 11, 2011

When I finished Bakugan season 1. After they all say goodbye and the Bakugan fly up to the sky.

I've gotten puppy dog eyed a few times, but forgot what I watched. But I think one of them was Green Green. It ended so fast and was sorta a cliff hanger. You would understand if you watched it.

RE: Has a tv show or movie ever made you cry? - SK - Feb. 11, 2011

not that i can remember, the closest i've been to crying was when chuck bass got shot on gossip girl (lol)

RE: Has a tv show or movie ever made you cry? - Blitz Unicorno - Feb. 11, 2011

The episode of Pikachu's Goodbye in Pokemon makes me cry. Even if I watch it five times, I'll cry all five times, that episode is so emotional.

Oh and, when I was a like four year old, Digimon also made me cry (of fear) when Greymon became Skull Greymon lol.

RE: Has a tv show or movie ever made you cry? - Shabalabadoo - Feb. 11, 2011

Dragon ball gt.
No questions asked.
Last episode I sat for minutes after, sad.
But then a couple weeks later, I started the series from DBZ episode 1 Smile
Then cried again at the end of DbGT
Then re watched it again.
Then cried again.

It's a cycle.

RE: Has a tv show or movie ever made you cry? - Wizard - Feb. 12, 2011

Never cried. But I did get puppy eyes When watching the episode of pokemon where misty leaves for good. (I was a little kid. deal with it)

RE: Has a tv show or movie ever made you cry? - Nano - Feb. 12, 2011

I think I came close to crying at the end of SGT. Frog season 2. I didn't want my froggies to leave!

RE: Has a tv show or movie ever made you cry? - Hov - Feb. 12, 2011

Uhm *cough* Last week, when I was watching the final Ep of Pokemon DPSLV. Man I don't get it, every pokemon season when Ash ready to go home, I end up getting teary and restart my pokemon games all the time T_____T;

RE: Has a tv show or movie ever made you cry? - The Supreme One - Apr. 28, 2013

More like what movies/tv shows haven't made me cry. I don't get emotional from the stereotypical chick flicks though...

RE: Has a tv show or movie ever made you cry? - sarabscientist - Apr. 30, 2013

Quote:RE: Has a tv show or movie ever made you cry?

More like, every single episode of this anime series.

I don't even know man, even happy episodes made you cry o(╥﹏╥)o

RE: Has a tv show or movie ever made you cry? - The Supreme One - Apr. 30, 2013

(Apr. 30, 2013  12:19 AM)Insomniac. Wrote:
Quote:RE: Has a tv show or movie ever made you cry?

More like, every single episode of this anime series.

I don't even know man, even happy episodes made you cry o(╥﹏╥)o
The first season, too? I only saw the first season of Clannad, but I was kind of disappointed with the lack of emotion (though I hear the After Story is all feels)

RE: Has a tv show or movie ever made you cry? - Shido-kun - Jun. 17, 2014

Yeah.Guilty Crown episode 22 when Inori died litterally been crying all night

RE: Has a tv show or movie ever made you cry? - Ryukiba - Jun. 19, 2014

Canned, some episodes of SAO, TFIOS movie, and

RE: Has a tv show or movie ever made you cry? - Flambo. - Jun. 19, 2014

That one Pokemon episode where Ash releases Butterfree...Crying I also cried the first time I saw the movie Hachi...*cries*

Oh yeah I just realized. Y'know not only can you cry through sadness. But you can also cry from extreme laughter so do funny movies count too like...Dumb and Dumber???

RE: Has a tv show or movie ever made you cry? - Neo - Jun. 19, 2014

Angel Beats!.
Watch; understand.