World Beyblade Organization

Full Version: [Toronto, Canada 7/17/10] HIGH PARK THROWDOWN 2
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(Jun. 11, 2010  12:51 AM)gurugulu Wrote: [ -> ]I'm so pumped for this. I so want a rematch with valentine and kyo. Gonna get my rock bull and tear the competition.

lets see u beat my hms's at free battles wait there is gonna be free battle time rite? and waht time does it end? i mitght actually have to pray at the park if its past 6 lol
Count me in!
alight i might be coming ! im pretty nervous considering there going to be many good people there Wink
(Jun. 11, 2010  12:12 AM)bskulldragon100 Wrote: [ -> ]i can agrantee 1 thing for this toureny and thats that were all gonna loose to khel kie and valinite wacth thats the top 3 i bet

Whatever You Say.
I'm Give Valentin A Run For His Money. Never Actually Faced Khel Before. And A Good Rematch Against Me And Kei Would Be Nice.
oh yea u were first place ok that gives the rest of us an even ore chance of looosing Unhappy oh well lol
Come On! Just Do Your Best And It Is Just About Having Fun Really! Everything Else Is Just a Bonus!
Have Fun, And You Pretty Much Win Too!
(Jun. 11, 2010  2:14 PM)kool-kid9980 Wrote: [ -> ]Come On! Just Do Your Best And It Is Just About Having Fun Really! Everything Else Is Just a Bonus!
Have Fun, And You Pretty Much Win Too!

As nice a sentiment as that is. It isn't any fun to lose in the first round especially when you know you can do better.

That said I wouldn't have ever fought what I did if I hadn't gone to the Revival Cup. I got to fight a Quetz and a lightning L Drago and heck I even fought Minion's Virgo combo (which I honestly couldn't beat even with my best attacker... heck the Quetz guy I fought wasn't laying a dent in her either... )
Yeah, I lost in the first round. I think I was gonna cry. (I'm 11.) But then I heard about the loser bracket and then I beat 3 people.
(Jun. 11, 2010  2:23 PM)Train Wrote: [ -> ]As nice a sentiment as that is. It isn't any fun to lose in the first round especially when you know you can do better.

Well, assuming we don't get a MASSIVE turnout, I'm sure we'll be doing a two-block round robin like we did last year, which will give people an opportunity to have many more matches.
Sounds good, more matches, more fun.
We going to have a before day meet up like in double tree at AN?
(Jun. 11, 2010  2:23 PM)Train Wrote: [ -> ]As nice a sentiment as that is. It isn't any fun to lose in the first round especially when you

If You Think That Your Going To Regret Your Lose From Not Doing The Best You Can, Then There Is One Easy Solution!
Really, Whenever I Lose Anything, Which I Do a Lot, I Just Know I Did My Best, and If My Best Couldn't win, that Mean There's Going to Be More Practice!
easy for u to say u beat scott last year we have no chance but still we all go for bladeing i guees oh well and yea pt me on the list ima go but really itd be nice to win once thoug u know what i mean
d do we need a blader passport
Guys, can you please stop spamming the thread? I don't want to hand out warnings. I had to delete some of your posts already.

(Jun. 12, 2010  1:22 AM)Megaman053 Wrote: [ -> ]d do we need a blader passport

Yes, as it says in the opening post.
(Jun. 12, 2010  1:28 AM)Kei Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jun. 12, 2010  1:22 AM)Megaman053 Wrote: [ -> ]d do we need a blader passport

Yes, as it says in the opening post.

Or he could pay the $5 fee...?

The way it's written in the OP makes it seem like you can only attend if you have a Blader Passport, which is why so many people are asking. Maybe a phrase could be added about the standard fee in the OP :\
(Jun. 12, 2010  2:33 AM)Aqua Wrote: [ -> ]Or he could pay the $5 fee...?

The way it's written in the OP makes it seem like you can only attend if you have a Blader Passport, which is why so many people are asking. Maybe a phrase could be added about the standard fee in the OP :\

Ah, good point. I forgot that the Passport page doesn't mention the other option of simply paying $5.
When I missed AN I felt weird but now that Im going to Highpark I feel pumped!!!!
Hope you're prepared to feel weird again cause you're going down.
(Jun. 12, 2010  3:27 PM)gurugulu Wrote: [ -> ]Hope you're prepared to feel weird again cause you're going down.
Your the one whos going down cuz im a really hard opponent. Give it ur best rip
Can people please stop trash talking each other?

I know you are excited, but there's kind of no point in posting what has been said before, such as "your're going down!" =/

(This goes along with what Kei said about spamming the thread.)
OK, I got very tired of all this SPAM. It is good to see you all excited about getting "revenge", however those posts are really not relevant forum content. Keep those comments to private messages. Since you have already been told not to SPAM like that, you all or almost all got a twenty-percent warning.
Sick guys, my brithday is on that day also, I'm down for it! Add me to the attendees list! Btw Train, I was the quetz dude (likely, I was the one with the black hat). I have a far better arsenal now though, so get ready!
hey kai i will be surely coming with my brother so his name is addy we both will be paying 5 bucks each so i am coming
me and my cuzin may come ........... is it metal fusion only or can we use plastics i dont care to much just curious
(Jun. 13, 2010  1:38 AM)madden610 Wrote: [ -> ]me and my cuzin may come ........... is it metal fusion only or can we use plastics i dont care to much just curious

Metal Fusion only.
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