World Beyblade Organization

Full Version: [Toronto, Canada 7/17/10] HIGH PARK THROWDOWN 2
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I might come
(Jul. 14, 2010  12:43 PM)gurugulu Wrote: [ -> ]Kei scratch me off the list. I would make it but my parents just told me today that some people are painting our driveway. And I was so looking forward to this since the day you started this.

How does that refrain you from coming to the tournament? O_O
(Jul. 14, 2010  3:28 PM)Crabby114 Wrote: [ -> ]Would High Parks Bloor entrance be close to Duffrin Mall?

Not really, you can walk to Dufferin Mall from there, but that's like a half hour walk. There is a somewhat nearby Zellers (on Dundas), but last time I went there they were Beyless.
(Jul. 15, 2010  2:39 AM)Pyro Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jul. 14, 2010  12:43 PM)gurugulu Wrote: [ -> ]Kei scratch me off the list. I would make it but my parents just told me today that some people are painting our driveway. And I was so looking forward to this since the day you started this.

How does that refrain you from coming to the tournament? O_O

The painters will painting the driveway so the driveway will be wet so we can't go outside.
you can put me on the possible list i live sooo close to there but my dad said it will be boring for him (he hate beyblades Chocked_2) ! oh wait put on the for sure list cuz my dad will be in this harley davindsins and my mom is taking me Stupid.
(Jul. 14, 2010  12:43 PM)gurugulu Wrote: [ -> ]Kei scratch me off the list. I would make it but my parents just told me today that some people are painting our driveway.

Uhhh hang outside before they start painting so then you won't be "trapped" in your house? Also don't you have a backyard that connects to your front yard/driveway?
(Jul. 15, 2010  12:01 PM)gurugulu Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jul. 15, 2010  2:39 AM)Pyro Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jul. 14, 2010  12:43 PM)gurugulu Wrote: [ -> ]Kei scratch me off the list. I would make it but my parents just told me today that some people are painting our driveway. And I was so looking forward to this since the day you started this.

How does that refrain you from coming to the tournament? O_O

The painters will painting the driveway so the driveway will be wet so we can't go outside.

Either leave the house, before they start.
Or take a backdoor out. Simple.
why arnt i on the atendees list?
Kei, mind adding me to the possible attendees list?
first of all how much does a passport cost? second am i able to be on the attendance without one? and third all i have is storm aquario 105 HFS am i allowed to enter with only one bey? plz respond in less than a day or else i'll freak out i'll come but i'll be all confused!
oh and i have no idea how to make a signature can someone explain?!
(Jul. 16, 2010  1:09 AM)StormAquario Wrote: [ -> ]first of all how much does a passport cost? second am i able to be on the attendance without one? and third all i have is storm aquario 105 HFS am i allowed to enter with only one bey? plz respond in less than a day or else i'll freak out i'll come but i'll be all confused!
oh and i have no idea how to make a signature can someone explain?!
Stop being lazy and read the first post of this topic; click on the "Blader Passport" link, and the answer will be right in front of you.

Of course you can play if you only have one Beyblade, however you are at a disadvantage most of the times, obviously.

Signature discussion does not belong here at all. Use the Requests topic.
i want in
Because of the hosting switch and forthcoming downtime tomorrow, I figure I should post a final reminder right now in case you did not read the OP:

On the day of the tournament, all of us will be meeting at the Bloor entrance of High Park at 1pm and we'll walk to the location. Anybody who shows up a little late can just use the map and pictures in the OP to find their way.

Also, for anybody attending, if you have stadiums; bring them. Particularly WBO OP legal stadiums (Attack, Balance, Super Attack). I have some, but with Khel not attending, I won't have enough by myself. Thanks, and see you all there! Grin
Before the server transfer, I just wanted to wish everyone the best of luck. I hope you guys have a lot of fun. Sorry I could not make this. Smile
Hey like Khel, I thought I was good but I can not be there either.
I am sorry. Best of luck every one sorry Kei, Val.
(Jul. 16, 2010  5:39 AM)Blue Wrote: [ -> ]Hey like Khel, I thought I was good but I can not be there either.
I am sorry. Best of luck every one sorry Kei, Val.

Aaaaah, I got your e-mail. Crying
That's too bad, hopefully you can make it out to Bey Fray or whenever my next tournament is!
Sorry Kei, We won't be able to make it because we noticed we got fake beyblades. Unhappy

Good luck with the tournament. Hope it goes well Smile
Oh man, I was going to make a joke about how the forum downtime will host a whole bunch of people canceling due to confusion of the time frame (I thought it was at 2PM for some reason myself), but it was going to be a joke...

I should be good for tomorrow. Should be.
put me on the list please ali12345456
cant wait!
whats the max number of beys we can bring to enter it in the tourney?
oh and wheres the neartest parking?
(Jul. 17, 2010  5:30 AM)nov1c3 Wrote: [ -> ]whats the max number of beys we can bring to enter it in the tourney?
oh and wheres the neartest parking?

You can bring as many Beys as you'd like. Just be advised that in a match set you're only allowed to use one Bey (so in a best of 3 battle against one opponent you'd use the same Bey for all 3), you can swap when you're confronted with a new opponent.

As for parking, I do believe the park has a parking lot in the Zoo area for the public. However, I'd be darned if I'd be able to tell you how to get to the Bloor entrance from there.
(Jul. 15, 2010  5:48 PM)Pyro Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jul. 15, 2010  12:01 PM)gurugulu Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jul. 15, 2010  2:39 AM)Pyro Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jul. 14, 2010  12:43 PM)gurugulu Wrote: [ -> ]Kei scratch me off the list. I would make it but my parents just told me today that some people are painting our driveway. And I was so looking forward to this since the day you started this.

How does that refrain you from coming to the tournament? O_O

The painters will painting the driveway so the driveway will be wet so we can't go outside.

Either leave the house, before they start.
Or take a backdoor out. Simple.

My moms car is also inside the garage which meansmy dad has to send my mom to work and pick her up.
Put me on the list I already sent you an forum email(?) message saying that I'll be going!!!!
Just scrambling to get everything together and eat, then I'm out! See you guys there! Smile

Also, if anybody has an HD Camera that they could bring to shoot footage, or even a camera that can shoot at least 640 x 480, we would really appreciate it.
smano is attending
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