World Beyblade Organization

Full Version: [Toronto, Canada 7/17/10] HIGH PARK THROWDOWN 2
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I did not expect people to still be signing up for this event on the day it happens hah.
wow i got 8 wins with Dark GasherStupid, awsome
Ahhh that was a blast.

I can't imagine what AN'10 was like Smile also 4th place!, Was my first tournament too.
Kool-kid, you are now my official rival. Wink

Had fun, expect me at bey fray!
man it was SWEET! almost made top 8 with LDrago but 4-1 is preaty SWEET
1) Marco
2) Kei
3) Kool-Kid
4) Pocky
5) To (ugh)

Moral of the story: I need to get myself a metal face, and an earth wheel.
I had SO much fun guys, honestly I can say last time at AN I bladed for the prize this time I did it for fun and it all worked out! Thanks to Kei, Daegor for organizing and everyone else I had a great time!
Hmm, I just checked, and the (miniscule) amount of footage I recorded isn't appearing...
Ugh... this is my disappointed face. I didn't even make it to the second round. Still, it was fun. Congrats Marco.
the mach was fun even tho i lost Tongue_out
Congrats Marco, nice to see someone new once again take HPT.

(Jul. 17, 2010  10:46 PM)Daegor42 Wrote: [ -> ]Ugh... this is my disappointed face. I didn't even make it to the second round. Still, it was fun. Congrats Marco.

Sometimes you need to use your Bey-Heart and not your Bey-Mind or your Bey-Wallet. Granted, if you didn't use your Bey-Wallet and picked up a Metal Face my Rock Leone CH120 WB wouldn't have done so well, hahaha. Thanks, and don't forget there's always a next time.
(Jul. 17, 2010  11:13 PM)To Wrote: [ -> ]Sometimes you need to use your Bey-Heart and not your Bey-Mind or your Bey-Wallet. Granted, if you didn't use your Bey-Wallet and picked up a Metal Face my Rock Leone CH120 WB wouldn't have done so well, hahaha. Thanks, and don't forget there's always a next time.

My Bey-Wallet weeps. Must place first at Fray...

EDIT: I just realized I was in the same block as the first and second place winners. =/
Thanks To! Also, my bey wallet was at 0xp points. Kool Kid saved me by trading me a DF145 and a Virgo for a Metal Face. I couldn't have done it without my trusty marketing skills. Grin
I just needed that metal face xP
I'd say its better trading what you dont need for something you do need, then buying it for 10 bucks.
Anywho, i gotta work on getting my other parts off Ebay and deciphering Keis attack combo.

It was a lot of fun, i made a couple of bad choices in the second round robbin, but everythign else couldn't have gone better.
Better then last HPT aswell. Was fighting just to get a tournament.
Congrats to everyone for another successful tournament and to those who placed! It's good to see that everything went well Smile
Good job to everyone!!!! It was my first tourney and im glad i competed!!! although i was the oldest one, i felt not a day older lol. I need more metal faces!!! And kool-kid...we still need to battle ldrago vs pegasus...its a counter thats sure to work if you play it properly lol
My Metal face and Earth wheel, MINE. Joyful_3

I was so happy that I wasn't with Kei, very cheap strategy, is stealing it Tongue_out
And yes Daegor my wallet weeps too. </3
Hi everyone! I just got back in. Thanks to everyone who came, it was a bit difficult getting everything set up, but we got through it. BeyPoints and Faces should be added in the coming days. We also doubled our attendance from last year with 24 Bladers in total! Grin

I honestly didn't have time to shoot footage myself for a BeyChannel video ... but we did record the two final matches. Perhaps I will put a short video together with both of them and post it on BeyChannel, and if not, I will just upload them here for everyone. Once the video is uploaded, I will talk more about what happened haha.

However, I will mention right now; for anybody who doubted it before, MF L Drago 100WF is a beast. I believe I won 4 or 5 matches with it. Just ask Daegor and whoever else faced it. Wink

Biggest disappointment of the tournament: Valentin not making the top 8! I'm ashamed of him. He's with me right now and we're still not speaking.

Okay, I'm just kidding about that, but I was still shocked!
I'm so sad I missed it!!! I can't believe my parents canceled on me at the last second.
glad to hear it went well.

What did marco use to win the tourney?
(Jul. 18, 2010  2:39 AM)Khel Wrote: [ -> ]glad to hear it went well.

What did marco use to win the tourney?

Virgo DF145SD, I believe.
(Jul. 18, 2010  1:42 AM)Kei Wrote: [ -> ]However, I will mention right now; for anybody who doubted it before, MF L Drago 100WF is a beast. I believe I won 4 or 5 matches with it. Just ask Daegor and whoever else faced it. Wink


I only bet that thing with Rock Leone CH120WB because your launch in the deciding match wasn't 100%.
(Jul. 18, 2010  2:39 AM)Khel Wrote: [ -> ]glad to hear it went well.

What did marco use to win the tourney?

Also Khel it had an average spin time of about 4 minutes and 20 seconds around there, I tested it after I got back.
(Jul. 18, 2010  6:22 AM)Marco Wrote: [ -> ]Also Khel it had an average spin time of about 4 minutes and 20 seconds around there, I tested it after I got back.

Daaaaamn... good mold.
(Jul. 18, 2010  2:40 AM)Daegor42 Wrote: [ -> ]Virgo DF145SD, I believe.

Virgo is now the bane of my existence.

(Jul. 18, 2010  4:11 AM)To Wrote: [ -> ]Eee

I only bet that thing with Rock Leone CH120WB because your launch in the deciding match wasn't 100%.

I don't even know why I did that! Maybe someone was near my arm, I really have no idea lol
Kei, when I saw it, it looked to me as if the cord was twisted prior to launch and it launched all wonky. Also Kei I got beat by a snot green aquario DUncertain *Goes and cries in a corner*
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