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Full Version: What Burst Beyblade Do You Think Will Becone Rare/ Hard To Get in the next 10-15 Year
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What do you guys think?? Personally, I think that the single layers will definitely become rare and worth hundreds.

And I also think blades like yamiterios will become worth a fortune by then aswell
Yep we gonna get scammed hard for bad beys unless TT still makes them which I doubt they will.
If what you say happens, then I’ll be happy I have my Trident from the first random booster.
All of the Dual Layers
Evileye is already rare right now, but I’m the next 10-15 years, it will probably be so much more. Also Prime Apocalypse Dark Dragon will be so much more in 10-15 years than now.
single layers continue to get more rare as time goes one. I should really get them soon, last time I saw them even on everwish they were kinda expensive.
If I was to say a Superking bey that might get rare, prob Ranjiro's version of glide cause like no one cares to get it lol (from what I've seen anyway).
(May. 17, 2020  1:17 AM)BuilderROB Wrote: [ -> ]Evileye is already rare right now, but I’m the next 10-15 years, it will probably be so much more. Also Prime Apocalypse Dark Dragon will be so much more in 10-15 years than now.
Or even that black Victory Valkyrie where only like 10 were made, I don’t remember where exactly I heard the origin but I’m pretty sure it had nothing to do with corocoro. The coolest part is that Zankye actually owns one.
Like said, Trident will get extremely expensive.
I'd say maybe the corocoro special editions beys. They seem to catch a decent price now.
I think that the B-09 and all of the other recolor of it will be pricey.
The amaterios beys, random booster beys.. Every single bey in random boosters will be really hard to get and so new expensive.. But this depends on the bey. Wbba exclusive beys, limited editions, beys that come only in a set like customize sets.. These are some that can be pretty expensive soon
Are the plastic generation Burst Remakes (Dranzer, Draciel, Dragoon, Driger, Gaia Dragoon, Wolborg series) reasonably hard to get? And are they popular/very in demand?
I own a Shining Amaterios so that's good to hear.
I think Judgements or Sr will probably skyrocket in price in 3-4 years let alone 10-15! I don’t doubt string launchers especially sparking launchers will become stupidly expensive as they need to be replaced a lot when under frequent use
Anything with X' will probably be worth more. It's already pretty pricey.
Single Layers - Blue Valkyrie, Gold Amaterios, Trident, Evil Eye
Dual Layers - green Y2, Blue G2, Lottery Red D2, Baldur, Plastic Gen remakes
God Layers, blue/strike gV, Sr, yellow mG, purple tW, orange dF, Orichalcum/Shadow Orichalcum
ChoZ - orange/Black RP, Black ChoZA, Purple DH, Blue AK, ChoZS, Shadow Amaterios
GT- All gold turbos, Apocalypse and Genesis, Imperial, Master, Lord, MFB remakes
I think random booster prize beys will be. They already are pretty expensive.
About rating beyblade burst, condition is very difficult.
Because if you unbox it, value is down to half or 1/10.
If you play more than 3 times it's already Played condition.
More than 10 times it's heavy played or junk.
Do you guys think that any of the Hasbro BeyBurst products will become rare????
(Jul. 06, 2020  9:01 PM)RebootingBlade Wrote: [ -> ]Do you  guys think that any of the Hasbro BeyBurst products will become rare????

maybe, but hasbro's quality in beys is far behind TT's. Though, some hasbro metalfight beys are rare.
Every rare bey get
(Jul. 06, 2020  9:04 PM)GreenK9148 Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jul. 06, 2020  9:01 PM)RebootingBlade Wrote: [ -> ]Do you  guys think that any of the Hasbro BeyBurst products will become rare????

maybe, but hasbro's quality in beys is far behind TT's. Though, some hasbro metalfight beys are rare.

Cool, but just saying I only started Beyblading around the god/super Z series, so I honestly dont really care about metal fight and stuff
(Jul. 06, 2020  9:07 PM)RebootingBlade Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jul. 06, 2020  9:04 PM)GreenK9148 Wrote: [ -> ]maybe, but hasbro's quality in beys is far behind TT's. Though, some hasbro metalfight beys are rare.

Cool, but just saying I only started Beyblading around the god/super Z series, so I honestly dont really care about metal fight and stuff

Based on how the rarity of hasbro beys after metal fight, you can sorta predict what will happen for burst. That's what I'm saying.
(Jul. 06, 2020  9:09 PM)GreenK9148 Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jul. 06, 2020  9:07 PM)RebootingBlade Wrote: [ -> ]Cool, but just saying I only started Beyblading around the god/super Z series, so I honestly dont really care about metal fight and stuff

Based on how the rarity of hasbro beys after metal fight, you can sorta predict what will happen for burst. That's what I'm saying.

Point made
Honestly, probably all of them. It can be difficult to get something like Winning Valkyrie with the black Xtend today, already hovering close to 40 dollars. I understand this is about severe spikes in price, but looking at how difficult it is to purchase HMS, I see Burst's future being a similar story. Even with all the reprints, the entry point to a single Burst style Beyblade in the next 10 years could hover around 60 dollars.
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