World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

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The Hasbro stadiums have been tested already, and unless they ever have exits or pockets that are way bigger, there will probably never be one fair enough to be legal in our tournaments. Even the Super Vortex BeyStadium is really nothing compared to the BeyStadium Attack Type.
Ok. Thank you :-)

Let us hope Hasbro learns to make an acceptable stadium someday.
Another question:

About the standart format. Are the 4D/Hyperblades beyblades legal for WBO play?

On the other side are Hasbro's Metal Fury line allowed?

I've read the Metal Fight/Fusion are in the standart format that's why I ask about Metal Fury and 4D beyblades.
Yes, all are legal.

Why was the Wide Square beystadium removed from the universal Format as legal?
(Apr. 09, 2013  12:41 PM)dbk Wrote: [ -> ]Ok.

Why was the Wide Square beystadium removed from the universal Format as legal?

The results in it were too weird, especially with the small walls' placements and the flat floors around the stadium.
I couldnt find this in there, would we b able to use a metal face, or is it illegal
You can use Metal Faces.
wold it be legal if we made a hasbro launcher cord the same lenght as tomy
(Apr. 29, 2013  3:50 PM)masamune 1257 Wrote: [ -> ]wold it be legal if we made a hasbro launcher cord the same lenght as tomy

No, because you would have to use a foreign material to put two pieces of winder together.
Standard Rules Wrote:If a Beyblade is knocked past the edge where it can feasibly
return to the playing area of the BeyStadium, it is considered out of play and the
round ends. However, if it continues to spin in an area where it can still re-enter the
playing area, it is in-play.

Using the Zero-G Attack Stadium, a Bey can go into one of the 3 "holes", remain spinning, and through the motions of the stadium return to the playing area.

Is this an example of the last sentence quoted from the Standard Rules above?

Standard Rules Wrote:BeyBattles are divided into rounds. To win a BeyBattle, the Blader must win three individual

In the event 2 Blader's records after 5 rounds are 1-1-3, I assume they continue with more rounds until one has achieved 3 wins?

WBO Twitter Wrote:We are approaching the end of Round 5 of Swiss pairings! Bladers are competing for spots in the finals now.

Is Swiss now added to the official tournament formats for everyone?
(May. 25, 2013  2:50 AM)doc8466 Wrote: [ -> ]Using the Zero-G Attack Stadium, a Bey can go into one of the 3 "holes", remain spinning, and through the motions of the stadium return to the playing area.

This is true. As long as the Beyblade has not completely exited the stadium (ie. with no parts having any contact with the inside of the BeyStadium), it is still considered in play.

(May. 25, 2013  2:50 AM)doc8466 Wrote: [ -> ]In the event 2 Blader's records after 5 rounds are 1-1-3, I assume they continue with more rounds until one has achieved 3 wins?

Huh? "BeyBattle" refers to a singular match between two Bladers. You have to win three rounds in a BeyBattle to be considered the winner.

(May. 25, 2013  2:50 AM)doc8466 Wrote: [ -> ]Is Swiss now added to the official tournament formats for everyone?

I don't think it has officially been added, but it has been used sporadically for a while now, mostly by Committee members, I believe. We should probably update the rulebooks to add it in; it's much easier to organize now with things like Challonge available to us.
Excellent, thank you.
In BEYBLADE REVOLUTION the Zero-G Stadiums were illegally placed. It says in the rule book that you should place Zero-G Stadiums on wood. We used it on the carpet which is technically illegal. Just sayin'. Can you change the CEW on the Gyro Engine?
(May. 28, 2013  2:06 AM)Shining God MS Wrote: [ -> ]In BEYBLADE REVOLUTION the Zero-G Stadiums were illegally placed. It says in the rule book that you should place Zero-G Stadiums on wood. We used it on the carpet which is technically illegal. Just sayin'. Can you change the CEW on the Gyro Engine?

... Read the rules again and think about it. Obviously, with a room full of almost every Committee Member, we would have realised if something so obvious was illegal.
(Apr. 09, 2013  1:07 PM)Kai-V Wrote: [ -> ]
(Apr. 09, 2013  12:41 PM)dbk Wrote: [ -> ]Ok.

Why was the Wide Square beystadium removed from the universal Format as legal?

The results in it were too weird, especially with the small walls' placements and the flat floors around the stadium.

what about tornado stadium and extreme stadium? Why weren't they legal from the first place?
They are 'fun', but the rotating centre really disturbs the play, not to mention the ridges created by this separated centre. It would also be complex to determine when to use which spin for the stadium, when to change, etc.

Furthermore, the Beypoint System aims to rank Bladers all across the world. This is already a semi-possible objective to begin with, so we have to make sure that everything is standardised and all factors are comparable as much as possible to obscure the fact that all of those World Bladers are really distanced. In those circumstances, a tournament where the host would only have a Tornado Type BeyStadium available for the official matches would barely make the results and the top three winners comparable to other tournaments'. Those motorised stadiums are also too expensive.
This seems like the right place to ask this, since swiss tournaments seem to be fairly widely accepted these days what is the minimum number of bladers needed for a swiss format?
(Sep. 01, 2013  4:57 AM)Time Wrote: [ -> ]This seems like the right place to ask this, since swiss tournaments seem to be fairly widely accepted these days what is the minimum number of bladers needed for a swiss format?

I would say twenty, like Double Elimination.
Is the Beyblade Super Control Stadium legal for play? If it isn't why not? It seems fairer than the Standard Beystadium, and is identical to the triple type beystadium.
(Sep. 02, 2013  5:40 AM)Yuko Ray14 Wrote: [ -> ]Is the Beyblade Super Control Stadium legal for play? If it isn't why not? It seems fairer than the Standard Beystadium, and is identical to the triple type beystadium.

What I can tell you is that officially, right now, it is not legal in the Rulebooks. However, I think Uwik is the one who owns one and can testify for its performance, so let me ask him.
My own test results and measurements on the Super Control BeyStadium are actually posted on this very thread. Feel free to browse for them.

Back then, despite my best effort to provide subjective test results and comparisons, the staffs still needed other members' tests to approve/disprove the results, understandably of course. Nowadays, I think the availability of that stadium is a little too scarce, that we might never get another owner to test it. So who knows, I suppose we could re-open the discussion whether to legalize it or not.
I was going to get 3 actually haha I found some that were pretty affordable on ebay, I kinda wanted to know before I got the stadiums because I don't want to waste my money Tired
In reply to the Advanced Forum...
At Beyblade Revolution, I was playing against two a Duo BGrins and Kei was judging. I don't believe there was a full rotation yet, Kei gave the point to Duo. I pick option two because it's more straight-forward.
Just to doubly clarify, when a part breaks, the blader with the part loses, regardless of whether or not he has a replacement, right?

Also, if the balder disassembles his bey to replace a part (IE, I use a worn F2F by mistake and want to switch to a new one), does that blader lose one round or the whole beybattle?

We just had a bit of confusion with this during the last tournament. XD Thanks!
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