World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

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(Jan. 14, 2010  8:05 AM)Omega Wrote: [ -> ]Looks like the people who bought Blader's Passports got their faces, but the winners still haven't gotten their gold, silver, and bronze faces. Confused
Khel seems busy.
Oh alright, thanks for letting me know.
yeah hes taking a while but i dont mind
Ok i really need to know what music to put on. So suggestions please! If i can get the music i will most likely have part 3 and 4 up by tonight.
Any music, seriously doesn't really matter.
yeah if you really need some just use linkin park!! SmileSmileSmileSmileSmileSmile
Will do Smile
I got this up last night but didnt have time to post a link. Bey Blaze Part 3 About to upload part 4 now.
Thanks for the upload, Chaos Blader!
Last but not least Part 4 This was just uploaded and is still processing.
Just watched Part 3, you made a mistake at Raykon VS Hikari Soul, it's actually Raykon VS Pizza ..

EDIT: And Chaos Blader VS Hikari Soul in the balance stadium, I'm pretty sure that's Raykon VS Hikari Soul ..

EDIT: Part 4's audio was removed, watch this video to put it back on:
(Jan. 16, 2010  3:13 AM)Omega Wrote: [ -> ]Just watched Part 3, you made a mistake at Raykon VS Hikari Soul, it's actually Raykon VS Pizza ..

EDIT: And Chaos Blader VS Hikari Soul in the balance stadium, I'm pretty sure that's Raykon VS Hikari Soul ..

No i was right because :
1. Hikari Soul launches diferently.
2. Hikari Soul has a Pegasis face where as Pizza uses L drago Face.
and 3. Raykon is sitting on the other side of the stadium when he battles Pizza.

Also Raykon wasnt using a grip.

Edit: Thanks hopfully the audio will be back soon.
The Hikari Soul VS Raykon battle has a Storm Pegasis with an L-Drago face, and remember Pizza used that combo, and with a B bottom, which is why it's around the middle all the time.
(Jan. 16, 2010  3:31 AM)Omega Wrote: [ -> ]The Hikari Soul VS Raykon battle has a Storm Pegasis with an L-Drago face, and remember Pizza used that combo, and with a B bottom, which is why it's around the middle all the time.

... Are we looking at the same thing? The Storm Pegasis in Hikari Soul Vs Raykon Clearly has some kind of Flat on it. Also you might be getting confused as there is no gap between the captions "Hikari Soul Vs Raykon" and "Raykon Vs Pizza".
Hmmm ... I'm not sure man ... It just looks different ...
I was playing against Hikari soul after the match against Diver Dan. I remember the way he launches etc, pause at 4:20.
yeah so is there goin to be part 5??
I don't think there will be, it says at the end of part 4 the places. Unless he is going to add some other things ... not sure what though.
yeah it probly just going to be them 4
Sorry about the wait on faces. Will get to handing them out in a little bit.
so beyblaze is all done once we get our face's what comption SmileSmileSmileSmile
what a comption*
who has the most face's anyway???
Tan, use the edit button to fix errors and not another post.
or thank you omega
(Jan. 17, 2010  12:45 AM)Tan Wrote: [ -> ]who has the most face's anyway???

Overall? Guardian Pinion. I could be wrong, though.
(Jan. 16, 2010  8:48 AM)Tan Wrote: [ -> ]yeah so is there goin to be part 5??

No there wont be.
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