World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

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(Jan. 17, 2010  12:45 AM)Tan Wrote: [ -> ]who has the most face's anyway???

Guardian Pinion and Anu both have 15.
we got our face's!!!
Yeah, congratulations Grin
thank you
so beyblaze is done hey,
(Jan. 18, 2010  9:30 AM)Tan Wrote: [ -> ]so beyblaze is done hey,

Yep its all over. Unhappy
I never really said thanks so ... Thanks for organizing this event, Omega! I am aloud to go down to the next Melbourne events so hopefully I will see everyone again.
No worries. Thanks for making an effort to come down to Melbourne for this, people should thank you, not me xD
Haha. It did cost a fair bit of money but it was worth it. I just hope the next tournament will be in Essendon again.
Yep it will probably be at the same place sometime this April. It will be more fun since we know eachother a little more now.
Angry i need a beyblade hopfully they are released before the next event Smile

Are you aloud to come and watch Confused
of course you could, come to the meet up tommorow if you can make it to essendon.
Theres a meet up tomorrow Gasp
what time and where and whats the meet up for Confused
training its in organized play general i think search POSTPONED
(Jan. 19, 2010  10:47 AM)Rawr? Wrote: [ -> ]Angry i need a beyblade hopfully they are released before the next event Smile

Are you aloud to come and watch Confused
Yes, of course. You should try get one from Ebay.
Isn't fall in Autumn in America..? If so then MFB will be released in Spring for us. Still a long wait. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Fall = Autumn.

Anyway, Cool event.I envy you people for getting to have tournys rofl
Can the next event not be in essendon? it takes me 2 hours to get to essendon from where i live Unhappy
Most Melbourne bladers live near.Essendon, sorry.
that sucks Unhappy couldn't we have one closer to the city?
Essendon is 10 minutes away from the city ...
Essendon 20 mins away from flinders street by train.
(Jan. 20, 2010  2:48 AM)Rawr? Wrote: [ -> ]Essendon 20 mins away from flinders street by train.

It takes 15 minutes at the most.
oh ok Grin
sorry I was late replying you missed a fun event
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