World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

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I donated Grin
Yep, lol that was funny. Isn't there some Face you get for traveling a fair distance?
Yeah thanks man Grin

I think one extra person wanted a Passport, cause there was 12 dollars extra ... I'm not sure who though.
I think I remember Hikari Soul buying one ... not a 100% though.
Yeah I think he might have ... Tan's at my house now, and he's also saying it's him.
I think it is. Send him a PM or something, also I'll post the Beyblade I want tomorrow morning definatly. Sorry I'm still thinking Unhappy
Haha okay, sweet. Tan and Chaos Blader have chosen they're prizes. Smile

Tan chose Dark Cancer, but I'm not sure if Chaos Blader would want me to tell what his prize is, better ask him first.
It's sounds like everything went really well. That's awesome! Congrats to everyone who placed!

How many people ended up going to the tournament?
11, maybe 12. I'm not to sure. Omega would know. And I know what Beyblade I want to get, I want Flame Sagittario C145S .
Glad you guys had fun. Congrats to the winners. Smile
Great to hear everything went well. Smile
I think 9 people came, we would have had 15 but 2 people were sick, 3 people were on holiday, and 1 person was sick ...

I will PM the results in a couple of minutes.
(Jan. 09, 2010  12:07 PM)Omega Wrote: [ -> ]Haha okay, sweet. Tan and Chaos Blader have chosen they're prizes. Smile

Tan chose Dark Cancer, but I'm not sure if Chaos Blader would want me to tell what his prize is, better ask him first.

Nah im fine with it. I chose Lightning L drago.

(Jan. 09, 2010  12:07 PM)Omega Wrote: [ -> ]I think 9 people came, we would have had 15 but 2 people were sick, 3 people were on holiday, and 1 person was sick.

EDIT: Read it wrong.
Dragonsclaw and StormDriger were sick.
is there going to be any tournaments in brisbane QLD?
None have been organized so no. But I can help you get it up, I can contact most of the QLD members here, you will have to host it though.
(Jan. 09, 2010  8:41 AM)shadowking3006 Wrote: [ -> ]do yo have to bring your own beyblade

LOL sorry but I never thought anyone would ask such a question.... yes you do Wink
congrats to chous badder and raykon and to all of you who came ''you put up a good fight''
(Jan. 10, 2010  11:12 AM)Tan Wrote: [ -> ]''you put up a good fight''

... You lost twice. I dont think that counts as everyone putting up a good fight.
who lost twice i lost once you lost twice and i think raykon lost twice is well thats why you guys had to battle at the end
If you count the finals then you lost twice raykon lost three times and i lost four.
hey next tourny you should try Queens Park its alot better IMO and its the same distance from the station that lincoln park was
chois blader said If you count the finals then you lost twice raykon lost three times and i lost four.
or true
Tan you only lost once ...

Yeah Robsta I didn't know Queens was there, but we drove past it on the way back.
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