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I still have my attack ring of dranzer that i purchased in 2005 and beylauchers too.
That's the thing that got me into beyblading again after 5 years and at the age of 16.
Just after spining my old blade a few times i decided that i should start blading again..
I guess that's what you can call "BeyBlading Spirit"

you guys can express your Attachment with your old/New beys..
I got first attached to beyblade last summer when I watched an episode f beyblae metal masters for the first time.
Pretty much any Dranzer Beyblade, but probably at the top of the list would be my Black Dranzer that I was lucky enough to find. Also, I had an earlier Wolborg MS where the RC broke, and the AR was pretty much just an extra part, so I put it on my key chain.
(Jul. 18, 2013  2:57 AM)Kai Hiwatari Wrote: [ -> ]I had an earlier Wolborg MS where the RC broke, and the AR was pretty much just an extra part, so I put it on my key chain.

That was a god idea, I bet it looks pretty cool Tongue_out_wink
I have an attachment to my Counter Leone 145D because, well I was not into beyblading for ages but when I was into it I always wanted a Rock Leone but could never find one and my younger brother (EpicLDrago) who's 6 almost 7 seven now was getting into beyblades after seeing some of mine and he started watching the show on T.V. And he new I wanted a Rock Leone a couple of years back but he couldn't find one but he found a Legend Counter Leone so with HIS money he bought it and gave it to me recently which got me back into beyblades xD!
I have an attachment with all of the good stamina/defense hybrid combos I make... I love them XD
I was into beyblades when I was six and seven and I stopped because my brothers had no beyblades then.Later,I ripped my Evil Shark Pisces ed145wd and I discovered that I liked it again.Also,my brothers got beys too.I've had Pisces since I was 1 years old.
(Feb. 01, 2014  4:50 AM)King EVIL Emper Wrote: [ -> ]I was into beyblades when I was six and seven and I stopped because my brothers had no beyblades then.Later,I ripped my Evil Shark Pisces ed145wd and I discovered that I liked it again.Also,my brothers got beys too.I've had Pisces since I was 1 years old.

If you are over 6 or 7, how have you had Pisces since you were one?
He'd have to be four or five tops, but I'd doubt you'd remember owning the Beyblade at a young age like that.

I love Driger! It's just so cool...
(Feb. 01, 2014  4:53 AM)Tri Wrote: [ -> ]
(Feb. 01, 2014  4:50 AM)King EVIL Emper Wrote: [ -> ]I was into beyblades when I was six and seven and I stopped because my brothers had no beyblades then.Later,I ripped my Evil Shark Pisces ed145wd and I discovered that I liked it again.Also,my brothers got beys too.I've had Pisces since I was 1 years old.

If you are over 6 or 7, how have you had Pisces since you were one?

I meant that I had him since I was one but I truly got into it when I was 6.I am not 6 or 7 by the way.
I have a big connection with my Earth Eagle!Joyful_3 he's been my favorite bey ever!Grin
(Feb. 01, 2014  4:57 AM)"Kira Wrote: [ -> ]He'd have to be four or five tops, but I'd doubt you'd remember owning the Beyblade at a young age like that.

I love Driger! It's just so cool...

My auntie(dead)said she brought it for me when I was one,which is the only way I remember.Also,I only had one bey for aboutsince second grade.
My favorite bey will always be my first bey: Rock Leone. I take it everywhere
my driger-s tip from when 1st started blading
My attachment is to my first Beyblade... I know it's not exactly the best because I read the Beywiki (Thermal Lacerta) but I'm not gonna use it for tournaments or contests.
I don't know why, but if I go out into public with a beyblade (1/10 times) I bring Hell Kerbecs. Not because it is that good, not because of a special connection, but because I used IT and only IT a month after it came out in Japan when Metal Masters was just being announced.
Hmmm...probably either Hell Kerbecs or Earth Virgo. At times I'll be watching a show or studying & I'll be spinning one of those two around at the same time. Stock Earth Virgo is fun because it's pretty durable. I've experimented with it in every way imaginable & it's still intact.
I am not sure why, but I loved the spin track of Earth Virgo; GB145. It was so good, and everything spun perfectly with it. 2 summers ago, some retard broke it and there was a crack in it, which made it more stubborn, because of more space. Actually yesterday, it somehow had a giant head on collision, and it split in half because of that crack.
My biggest attachment is with Meteo L-drago Lw105LF black and red hasbro version.
I've had it for almost two yrs! Also it's the first bey I ever had a connection with.To me any other bey is beneath it. [/b]
[Image: Photo80.jpg]

Miss my bling.
I first got in to beyblade when I was like four or three after watching some of the beyblade episodes from the plastic series. I didn't get a beyblade my self tell I was 11 my first bey was legend cyber pegasus its also the bey I'm most attached to.
I wore the Clear Dark Blue Dragoon Storm (Phantom Series?) AR as a necklace once. Actually got one or two nice comments.
I first got into beyblade when I was in target knowing nothing about BEYBLADESlol and I found storm aquario and I got dragged into the hobby and watched metal fusion and that's how I ended into this website.
I remember getting that stadium (the one with the interchangable plates) that came with galaxy pegasus and meteo l drago one christmas. My brother got galaxy pegasus and I got l drago. We played on that stadium for hours without end, just being entertained by the sounds of metal clashing and beys jumping all over the place. That's when I got attached to beyblade.
I had an attachment with my Earth Virgo, and my Flame Libra. I had an attachment with my Flame Libra, because no one could beat it, and I really liked Flame Libra in the show. At that time, Yu was my favorite character. Someone stole my Flame Libra, and split the parts among different people, so I wouldn't be able to find the source. I was so pissed.

With my Earth Virgo, I had an attachment because, that is my Zodiac Sign. When I first saw Earth Virgo, it instantly became my favorite beyblade. BUT THAT WASN'T THE ONLY REASON! THE ATTACHMENT GREW STRONGER BECAUSE THE DAY I GOT THE BEYBLADE, I WENT HOME AND PAINTED THE FUSION WHEEL AT NIGHT. I worked extremely hard on the fusion wheel, and painted it black. From working so hard, this also grew a bigger attachment, and what grew it even more, is that I LOVED the way the newly painted Fusion Wheel looked. Oh gets better. The next day I went to school, to show off my newly painted beyblade...someone stole it at nutrition! My attachment with Earth Virgo was stronger than Flame I was crying at lunch...Badly...I couldn't even talk, and I tried to hold it in, but I couldn't...I couldn't even cry silently; I was making noise. This was in sixth grade.
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