World Beyblade Organization

Full Version: 75,000 Members Celebration BeyLotto = Results!!
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I lost.....Congrats to the winners!
(Nov. 05, 2012  4:03 AM)CrystalPegasus Wrote: [ -> ]Wait so Hasbro DONATED items to us? That is prodigious.

Yes! They also donated some Destroyer Domes for one of our previous giveaways.
DJ 2002 - Yeah! That is really amazing.
Congratulation's to all the winners. face booster purple please.
I'd like a face booster crimson please.
yayiee i won!
I want facebooster blue please!Smile
Oh I Forgot, I would like Facebooster Crimson! Grin
Wow awesome, congratulations to all the winners ! I choose the Face Booster JADE ! Thanks Joyful_3
i'm too unlucky
i was sad only 364 entries...
i see one of my friend won something
congrats ashton pinto for your face booster!
ill take orange please Grin
Even though I lost, the WBO actually offered a free beylotto!

I would also like to thank the Comittee for all their hard work!!
gosh, I thought I could win.....this is sad that I did not win.
well.. I didn't win it.. Crying
Thank you for picking me so I will go with a Red Face Booster please.
Awesome !!!
Congrats to all who won face boosters
and ofc the winners ^^
Keep it up (:
YES! Indonesia's Real Madrid won!


Sad I didn't win anything nonetheless Unhappy
Congrats guys!
: I'm Indonesia Blader and i won a face booster too Wink

I pick a crimson face booster
Thanks Smile

aaaaaand congrats to all winners
Congrats everyone! I really wanted to win.
Congrats to all the winners!
Congrats to all the winners!

Cool Cool

Congratulations to the lucky bunch! Enjoy your prizes Smile
you want me to chose a face booster?
ok face booster crimson.
also congrats to all the big winners.
I didn't win.... What sorcery is this Gasp

I mean.. Congrats winners Grin
You don't understand how excited I got when I saw the 'Luck' in Lucky-Kun. Tired
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