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Full Version: 75,000 Members Celebration BeyLotto = Results!!
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Congradulations to all the winners!

I won this time, and I'm hoping I win next time.
Oh yeah, And what I actually meant to say in my previous post is, 'Congrats winner!'!
Congrats to all the winners.
Congrats to the winners!

Oh and btw, a Face Booster Crimson for me please. Ta.
Don't give up guys, there's always a next time! Grin
How did I get first prize?! o.o

I didn't notice until Kaizer-V messaged me actually, so thanks Kaizer-V! xD
And thanks everyone for the congrats! This is a great early birthday surprise (7th November) Grin

Can I have the Face Booster AZURE? :3
Oh, How bigga fail it would've if Kaizer-V hadn't xD
Congrats! For both winning and noticing! Smile
(Nov. 05, 2012  7:38 PM)~Mana~ Wrote: [ -> ]How did I get first prize?! o.o

I didn't notice until Kaizer-V messaged me actually, so thanks Kaizer-V! xD
And thanks everyone for the congrats! This is a great early birthday surprise (7th November) Grin

Can I have the Face Booster AZURE? :3
Yeah,congratz!And,er,Happy BirthDay!
Damn I wanted the third place prize. XD

Good job to everyone, especially the four winners! (and Primal who beat me at another giveaway again...)

I am seriously mad that I didn't win. I will come and DESTROY YOU IF YOU DON'T!
I wish that I will get it NEXT TIME. Congrats people who wil be destroyed.

(Just messing)

Kinda disappointed that I didn't win the big prizes or even get a face booster, I really wanted that Gold DKD real bad...

But anyways congrats to the winners
(Nov. 05, 2012  4:28 AM)joseph317 Wrote: [ -> ]Congratulation's to all the winners. face booster purple please.
CONGRATS to everyone especially you Joe!
Yeah I won a face booster! Face booster Azure please.
Congrats to all the winners!
Congrats too all winners(If anyone doesnt want their prize I will take it! Smile )
congrads peeps
Congrats to all the winners especially bj3rdd, joseph317 and Néar!!
Face booster Blue please =D
Congrats to all the winners & thanks WBO! =)
Congrats to all the winners!

And also, in my opinion, I think I would have wanted to win the 2nd place prize the most, because it has Pirates Killerken, and a Zero-G Attack Stadium, which I want. Smile
Oooh, so the results are finally out?
Congrats to the winners! Those are some great prizes you won there, haha!

I wonder if I'll ever win a Giveaway....
Wow, how the hell the I miss this giveaway :o Congrats to all the winners, have fun with your prizes xD Hopefully I'll win something at next giveaway.. If I get to enter xD
oooh congrats to all the winers!!!!
Congrats to the winners!
Wow, congratulations Flameos and Hitsu!
Enjoy the prizes, all you winners. Grin
Well, this is a pleasant surprise! Congratulations to the other winners, and many thanks to the Committee for this, and to the Beyblading community for keeping the WBO going strong. As for my choice, since it's my favorite color, I choose... ... ... FACE BOOSTER BLUE!

(Nov. 05, 2012  6:13 PM)Luck Wrote: [ -> ]You don't understand how excited I got when I saw the 'Luck' in Lucky-Kun. Tired

I'm a bit embarrassed, and not quite sure what to say..... Would you settle for a cookie? Smile
congrats i lost but know people who won!!!!!
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