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Full Version: 75,000 Members Celebration BeyLotto = Results!!
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@ Kai-V: Many thanks for the Cygnus Face! It looks fabulous!
(Nov. 20, 2012  5:08 PM)Hamlet Wrote: [ -> ]I very appreciate Kai-V's notification.
I Couldn't Believe It. I won the 2nd prize!
Thank you so much Kai-V and all the other members.
I'm happy to get my first Face booster!!
I'll take Face Booster RED please.

Don't forget to PM me your shipping information!
Yay I won i want crimson face booster
Cygnus is pretty good. Would have rather had Uranus, but I'm good with anything! Thanks Kai-V!
(Nov. 20, 2012  7:42 PM)beymaster15963 Wrote: [ -> ]Yay I won i want crimson face booster

OK, you got a Lyra Face! [Image: lyraface.png]

(Nov. 20, 2012  10:55 PM)ShinobuXD Wrote: [ -> ]Cygnus is pretty good. Would have rather had Uranus, but I'm good with anything! Thanks Kai-V!

That is why Face trading exists, hah.
(Nov. 20, 2012  11:01 PM)Kai-V Wrote: [ -> ]
(Nov. 20, 2012  7:42 PM)beymaster15963 Wrote: [ -> ]Yay I won i want crimson face booster

OK, you got a Lyra Face! [Image: lyraface.png]

(Nov. 20, 2012  10:55 PM)ShinobuXD Wrote: [ -> ]Cygnus is pretty good. Would have rather had Uranus, but I'm good with anything! Thanks Kai-V!

That is why Face trading exists, hah.
How do you trade faces
(Nov. 21, 2012  12:35 AM)Kai-V Wrote: [ -> ]

Thanks Kai v
Can you give people faces
A Member cannot donate a Face without getting one in return, no. You earned it, one way or another, and the other person did not, so they should not just receive it.
Congratulations on your faces everyone, you deserved them !
Oh, lucky me, thank you all :-)

I choose the green face booster.
Wow i won a face booster im so HAPPY!!!. My first face booster. I would like a AZURE face booster please. Thanks Smile
(Nov. 21, 2012  4:59 PM)dbk Wrote: [ -> ]Oh, lucky me, thank you all :-)

I choose the green face booster.

You got...


Virgo! [Image: virgoface.png] Congrats, it's uncommon!

(Nov. 22, 2012  2:04 PM)galaxy blade Wrote: [ -> ]Wow i won a face booster im so HAPPY!!!. My first face booster. I would like a AZURE face booster please. Thanks Smile

You got...


Cygnus! [Image: cygnusface.png]

Only one winner left!
wow, thank you!
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