World Beyblade Organization

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(Aug. 07, 2012  7:38 PM)Beyniac Wrote: [ -> ]For drama class, we were doing an 8th grade silent film last year and we came in on saturday. I had a plastic beyblade in my pocket. During this scene were me and this kid did a sumo scene (which was funny cuz he was big and i was really skinny) he was supposed to make it look like I was pushed to the ground. I tripped and actually fell and the BB jabbed me in the thigh. So, yup. A filming session.

Ouch! The aggravating pain must've made it more believable though.
(Aug. 07, 2012  7:38 PM)Beyniac Wrote: [ -> ]For drama class, we were doing an 8th grade silent film last year and we came in on saturday. I had a plastic beyblade in my pocket. During this scene were me and this kid did a sumo scene (which was funny cuz he was big and i was really skinny) he was supposed to make it look like I was pushed to the ground. I tripped and actually fell and the BB jabbed me in the thigh. So, yup. A filming session.

Ihate it when you fall with a bey in your pocket. thats how i broke my iPod. I had the iPod and the bey in the same pocket and the tip jabbed into the screen
attic i was playing with a freind and are beys fell off the boards into this weiard loft insulation lol
Once I brought my Earth Virgo GB145BS to the Movie Theater right after I bought it a TRU
I brought one to times square, it was a galaxy pegasus 1st prize one. I took a picture of me holding it.
(Aug. 07, 2012  7:42 PM)dragondrone Wrote: [ -> ]
(Aug. 07, 2012  7:38 PM)Beyniac Wrote: [ -> ]For drama class, we were doing an 8th grade silent film last year and we came in on saturday. I had a plastic beyblade in my pocket. During this scene were me and this kid did a sumo scene (which was funny cuz he was big and i was really skinny) he was supposed to make it look like I was pushed to the ground. I tripped and actually fell and the BB jabbed me in the thigh. So, yup. A filming session.

Ouch! The aggravating pain must've made it more believable though.
Yah. Everyone was saying "That almost looked real! Nice job!" And im thinking Well it kinda was real...ow. And it was a Sharp BB too. (Not as in knife cut your finger off sharp but as in Sharp stamina sharp. But, I was fine in the end. Grin
i brought my beyblade to school and my friend did as well we battled in maths, i won and i jumped and yelled everyone stared at me awk... i almost got detention until i said i solved an algebra question lol
LOL that was a last second solution. Dont beyblades make loud noise?
Ya wouldn't someone hear the metal clinking? Lol. I guess you just got lucky. Smile
(Aug. 07, 2012  9:11 PM)DarkBull2296 Wrote: [ -> ]i brought my beyblade to school and my friend did as well we battled in maths, i won and i jumped and yelled everyone stared at me awk... i almost got detention until i said i solved an algebra question lol

so... were there metal rulers in math?
I remember once i brought my blade to a furniture store, and i went to the water fountain, where a slightly younger blader with the same cargo pants i had on and the same 3 segment and bey launcher i had stuffed in the cargo pocket was drinking. i Did a O.O and a XD before asking him to battle. we both reached in our pockets and pulled out our partners, displayed them and after geeking out over his shiny Beat Kerbecs and him loving my Blitz unicorno, We battled for ten mins in the water fountain and then got repremanded by the store dudes. ..... Grin
I used to sleep with my Battle Strikers until I got Beyblades, and I slept with them.
I brought them to school (school is a weird place).
I brought mine to a basketball game (multiple, actually) so me and my friend could play with 'em. Never got yelled at, oddly enough. Did get some weird looks though.
i brought my bey to the most important test of the year, i clenched it tightly in my fist whenever i reached a tough question. kinda like a stress ball.
I brought them everywhere i go the mall i play during school alaways ahve my launcher in my poacket. and play when the teacher leaves.
(Aug. 08, 2012  5:36 AM)Cosmic Wrote: [ -> ]I brought them everywhere i go the mall i play during school alaways ahve my launcher in my poacket. and play when the teacher leaves.

poacket? i really hope you mean pocket or im jjust really confused.
Before when I was in middle school I used to bring them and play with the stadium at breakfast with some other bladers that I just met by battling!and during class also!and when it was the end of the year we played during class and the teachers just let us played!
(Aug. 07, 2012  6:27 PM)Ansonih Sama Wrote: [ -> ]
(Aug. 07, 2012  6:25 PM)dragondrone Wrote: [ -> ]
(Aug. 07, 2012  6:22 PM)Dark_Mousy Wrote: [ -> ]One time I took a stadium and some Beyblade to church and played with the younger kids.

Nice, I hope you diddn'r bring hades/hell kerbecs.
Haha. That would be funny. I can imagine the devil or Hades and his three headed dog (forgot the name) appering out of the bey and destroying the Church. Chocked_2

Hahaha . Nice comment. Yep that really would be funny..
At the time of plastics I had once bought my beys with a stadium at the church ground, there me and my friends battled.. Also to my classes.. Then now in MFB i had taken my beys to collage, thats good that no one saw them.
dragondrone: yes we use metal rulers at school
trainer red: yup
ansonih sama: our teacher is like an OAP (old age pensioner) she didnt hear and the class is always talking so they didnt hear lol
Cool. Remember people, you can post as many weird places you want. Just make sure that there weird, and there's no limit.
Being a MAJOR fan of the anime, I usually had my bey in my pocket. Joyful_3
Hence, wherever I went, I had it.
And of course, there were quite a many "weird" places I did visit!
The most notable ones though, are-
I took it to a restaurant where I hand-spun it on the table as we waited for the food to arrive...
I took it to my school once, where I played with it under the desk during recess. However, that was pretty much normal.
I also took it to some exhibition organized by an NGO, where they had certain animals up for adoption! I was pretty scared to remove my bey there (thanks to the famous "MY DOG ATE MY BEY!!!" stories)... However, I did hand-spin it in front of a cat (which I found cute) who curiously stared at it...
(Aug. 08, 2012  3:04 PM)Lord N Wrote: [ -> ]poo

Wait...what??? That post has nothing to do with the thread. It is also a 1 liner. These are two things considered as SPAM.
EDIT: I think the post I replied to got deleted.
For me nowhere is too wired to bring a Bey but for ne it would have to be to a city fair.
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