World Beyblade Organization

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(Aug. 10, 2012  2:57 AM)goten15 Wrote: [ -> ]i took mine to the dentist. it fell out and i stepped on the bottom. it was a storm aquiro 100 hf/s it was hole flat mode left an indent in my skin i was barefoot.

I am the sort of person who questions what the hell you were doing barefoot at the dentist.
(Aug. 07, 2012  6:20 PM)Shadow_Blader Wrote: [ -> ]i once took a stadium and a few beys and launchers in to the bathroom so i could play while i pooped.

That's disgusting. You could have just put "brought them to the bathroom," would've been a bit less disgusting.
(Aug. 10, 2012  3:44 AM)Kai-V Wrote: [ -> ]
(Aug. 10, 2012  2:57 AM)goten15 Wrote: [ -> ]i took mine to the dentist. it fell out and i stepped on the bottom. it was a storm aquiro 100 hf/s it was hole flat mode left an indent in my skin i was barefoot.

I am the sort of person who questions what the hell you were doing barefoot at the dentist.

I was bored I wanted to slide also this dentist place had tile flooring I always loved sliding even if I fall. I took mine when I was in the hospital walking around launching it. Do trick shots. Don't step on a hole flat p.tip
I brought my beys to school... When there was a random metal detector check...
(Aug. 10, 2012  3:05 AM)Nitro52 Wrote: [ -> ]
(Aug. 10, 2012  3:00 AM)Néar Wrote: [ -> ]
(Aug. 10, 2012  2:58 AM)Nitro52 Wrote: [ -> ]xD

I think you should change the post before a mod gets to it. i brought my beys to a hotel once.

Anyone would do that. Incase their are any strong bladers!

That reminds me of a World Championship plastics tourney I saw online... TO get back on topic, I once carried my Storm Pegasus around ECANO Foods when I was a newbie. All the older kids laughed at me Crying But I was younger then so...

I bought one on a boat before
(Aug. 10, 2012  6:15 AM)deathquetz Wrote: [ -> ]I bought one on a boat before

That's pretty scary according to me... Or maybe its due to my fear for deep water bodies....
As I do not purchase many beys, each bey is pretty precious for me. So if I ever did what you did, I would shudder at the thought of it falling into the water below... Chocked_2
And what's more, I would never stop thinking about it; so that would be one scary boat ride for me...
I brought my rock orso in the forest, my storm aquario in the pool, my gravity destroyer in a middle age convention, my cosmic pegasus in a plane, and my twisted tempo to big ben.
(Aug. 10, 2012  4:08 PM)FlamingFury Wrote: [ -> ]I brought my rock orso in the forest, my storm aquario in the pool, my gravity destroyer in a middle age convention, my cosmic pegasus in a plane, and my twisted tempo to big ben.

And that's a classic!
The stone clock tower gets up close and personal with its MFB equivalent! XD

Actually, all of the instances you mentioned (except Gravity Destroyer; but maybe that's something I cannot notice) draw a relation between the character of the bey, and the location...
(Aug. 10, 2012  4:22 PM)Janstarblast Wrote: [ -> ]
(Aug. 10, 2012  4:08 PM)FlamingFury Wrote: [ -> ]I brought my rock orso in the forest, my storm aquario in the pool, my gravity destroyer in a middle age convention, my cosmic pegasus in a plane, and my twisted tempo to big ben.

And that's a classic!
The stone clock tower gets up close and personal with its MFB equivalent! XD

Actually, all of the instances you mentioned (except Gravity Destroyer; but maybe that's something I cannot notice) draw a relation between the character of the bey, and the location...

Gravity Destroyer's spirit resembles persius. This was a great warrior who wore the armor of a paledent(kinda like a knight, a bit more loyal) these were tried to be resembled by conventions such as that.
Ah, I see...
By Middle Age Convention, I thought you were speaking of some "Middle Age" (as in, a group of 30-60 year olds) convention... XD
Now I get it that you're speaking of a Medieval World Convention...
Hm, I get the relation now...
I believe you'd take your Hell Kerbecs to Hell, then? Wink
Perseus had nothing to do with the Middle Ages or Paladins at all, by the way...
(Aug. 10, 2012  4:28 PM)FlamingFury Wrote: [ -> ]
(Aug. 10, 2012  4:22 PM)Janstarblast Wrote: [ -> ]
(Aug. 10, 2012  4:08 PM)FlamingFury Wrote: [ -> ]I brought my rock orso in the forest, my storm aquario in the pool, my gravity destroyer in a middle age convention, my cosmic pegasus in a plane, and my twisted tempo to big ben.

And that's a classic!
The stone clock tower gets up close and personal with its MFB equivalent! XD

Actually, all of the instances you mentioned (except Gravity Destroyer; but maybe that's something I cannot notice) draw a relation between the character of the bey, and the location...

Gravity Destroyer's spirit resembles persius. This was a great warrior who wore the armor of a paledent(kinda like a knight, a bit more loyal) these were tried to be resembled by conventions such as that.
But perseus was a Greek myth. The face design looked more renaissance than Greek, and the ancient Greeks armor didn't look like that.
(Aug. 10, 2012  4:30 PM)Hazel Wrote: [ -> ]Perseus had nothing to do with the Middle Ages or Paladins at all, by the way...

Maybe he tried to derive a superbly bleak relation of the sort-

Perseus = hero who wears armor ~ a warrior ~ knight = corresponds to the Middle Ages...
Than I guess I got my facts mixed up. This is getting off topic. I brought my orso to the store so... Horray I brought the thread back on topic!?! Possibly? No comment. Let's get back on topic
I brought my broken kerbecs to a graveyard. It's tomb stone now reads: here lies hades kerbecs. 2012-2012.
(Aug. 10, 2012  3:04 AM)pocketpulls Wrote: [ -> ]When I was younger, my plastics never left my pocket.

Is this in relation to your username? XD
When I was younger, back in the plastic's generation, I guess I took my beyblades to friends/relative's houses and probably school a few times. Not sure if that qualifies for weird or not.
I think at one point all of us have brought a bey to a friends house
i brought my beyblades to campbell building supply co. question: how do you remove concrete from beys? it's stuck in the energy ring and i HATE it.
(Aug. 11, 2012  4:20 AM)Insomniac Wrote: [ -> ]
(Aug. 10, 2012  3:04 AM)pocketpulls Wrote: [ -> ]When I was younger, my plastics never left my pocket.

Is this in relation to your username? XD

and he pulls his beyblade from the pocket...

Before, I use to bring my beyblades in the mall, not weird just normal?

to AFRICA! and virginia
(i live in maryland)
to the t.v. screen. I owe my dad a LOT of allowences.
The Reject Shop.

First time seeing authentic Beyblade's in like a "gift shop"

I brought my rock leone to a windy rooftop. Well, not really a rock leone ... a beat pegasusIII ad145wb. Scientificly calculated to create a stronger wind force than rock leone. But the special moves are similar.
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